ABOUT OUR LIVES by David Sloan Wilson. Delacorte Press/Bantam Dell, 2006

      1) The future can differ from the past (p1-10)

      2) Clearing the deck (p11-16)

      3) A third way of thinking (p17-21)

      4) Prove it! (p22-27)

      5) Be careful what you wish for (p28-35)

      6) Monkey madness (p36-41)

      7) How the dog got its curly tail (p42-50)

      8) Dancing with ghosts (p51-57)

      9) What is the function of a can opener? How do you know? (p58-62)

      10) Your apprentice license (p63-66)

      11) Welcome home, prodigal son (p67-73)

      12) Teaching the experts (p74-81)

      13) Murder city (p82-91)

      14) How I learned to stop worrying and love genetic determinism (p92-99)

      15) They've got personality! (p100-114)

      16) The beauty of Abraham Lincoln (p115-124)

      17) Love thy neighbor microbe (p125-132)

      18) Groups all the way down (p133-138)

      19) Divided we fall (p139-143)

      20) Winged minds (p144-152)

      21) The egalitarian ape (p153-164)

      22) Across the cooperation divide (p165-172)

      23) The first laugh (p173-181)

      24) The vital rats (p182-193)

      25) Dr. Doolittle was right (p194-201)

      26) How many inventors does it take to make a lightbulb? (p202-214)

      27) I don't know how it works! (p215-232)

      28) Darwin's "cathedral" (p233-253)

      29) Is there anyone out there? Is there anyone up there? (p254-267)

      30) Ayn Rand --- religious zealot (p268-282)

      31) The "social intelligence" of nations, or, need not apply (p283-295)

      32) Mr. Beeper (p296-304)

      33) The ecology of "good and evil" (p305-312)

      34) Bon voyage (p344-350)

      35) The return of the "amateur scientist" (p322-343)

      36) Bon voyage (p334-350)

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (p351-352)

    NOTES (p353-363)

    BIBLIOGRAPHY (p367-380)

    WEB SITES (p381)

    INDEX (p255-258)

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