OF FEELINGS by Lynn Grabhorn. Hampton Roads, 2000


        To every one of us who finally --- maybe --- possibly --- believes they have the "Right to perpetual happiness --- beginning NOW!"(pv)

    INTRODUCTION (pix-x)

        This book presents a decade's worth of passionate research about the "physics of thought"! The utterly bizarre thing about these little-known principles --- derived from the Hick's family of teachers in Texas --- is that they are uncomplicated, they work fast, and they are guaranteed.

      1) HOW WE GOT INTO THIS MESS (p1-26)

      2) OUR MAGIC GENIE (p27-50)

      3) NO NO, NOT THAT --- STEP ONE (p51-79)

      4) YES YES! THAT, THAT AND THAT! --- STEP TWO (p81-106)

      5) CONDITIONS BE DAMNED (p107-128)

      6) YE GADS, I'M FEELING! --- STEP THREE (p128-154)

      7) THE FORCE IS WITH YOU --- STEP FOUR (p155-176)

      8) MONEY, MONEY, MONEY (p177-200)


      10) LIVING THE BODY, DYING THE BODY (p227-249)

      11) YOUR SUIT OF WELL-BEING (p251-271)

      12) THIRTY DAYS TO BREAKTHROUGH (p273-305)

        If it had not been for the 30-day introductory program that I designed for myself, I doubt I would have continued. My addiction to negative emotion was too ingrained, too much a way of life to give up in the blink of an eye. I would not have known where to start or how to proceed, no matter how great I thought the teachings of deliberately living the FOUR STEPS were! (p274)

        A freedom of life is waiting for you that is beyond any capacity I have to describe. It is a "FREEDOM" so unnaturally extraordinary that one can only know it through the joy of living it!

        It is total personal freedom --- freedom from boredom or monotany, from needing to prove or justify, from needing to need, from anxiety, and from all the imprisoning "shoulds" of life you may have so staunchly placed upon yourself!

        It is the "FREEDOM" to exist as you desire, the "FREEDOM" to acquire, to be outrageous, to prosper, and even the "FREEDOM" to excel if that is your desire!

        It is about creating your own utopia, not next year, not in the next decade, but NOW! (p275)

        WARNING! --- If you decide to embark on the 30-day turnaround, you will be facing a major battle with your FEARS. Old habits die hard, and your fears are not going to like it when you start thinking about cutting them loose. Frankly, neither are you. Yet all you are dealing with here are comfy old habits. (p276)

          [1] Our need to "need" (p276-278)

          [2] Three frantic months (p278-280)

          [3] Introduction to the beginning (p280-283)

          [4] The first ten days (p283-289)

          [5] From ten to thirty (p289-294)

          [6] In training (p294-295)

          [7] It is your play! (p295-302)

          [8] It is your ship! (p302-305)

          "You can't think it, you gotta feel it!" (p304)

    APPENDIX (p307-308 )


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