HAPPINESS --- HOW TO FIND IT AND KEEP IT by Joan Duncan Oliver. Times Books, 1983

    INTRODUCTION (p6-13)

      You may know when other people are happy because of the "Duchenne Smile," which is produced by involuntary muscle contractions around the eyes and mouth. It is a universal, subtle giveaway as recognizable to everyone no matter what culture. (p7)

      But what we generally cannot tell is WHY someone is happy! (p7)

      Now after a long history of pursuing happiness, positive emotions like joy, affection, awe, and humor are in the spotlight. It's not just okay to seek happiness, it's essential. Our best hope of having a good life --- and a safe planet --- is to develop the kindlier, friendlier, more optimistic side of our nature. (p8-9)

      A green light to pursue happiness is terrific, but where to begin? Do we look to our surroundings --- work, family, our social sphere? Or do we look within, at the desires and personality traits that predispose us to be happy, and the genetic or behavioral quirks that prevent us from feeling unalloyed joy? (p9)

      Some happiness experts have argued that you are only as happy as you choose to be. But now brain science is coming to our rescue, with exciting new findings about neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to adapt and change. Pursuing happiness is not a moral issue but a practical one. Though we inherit a certain potential for happiness, we can enhance it by forming new neural pathways. With practices like meditiation and cognitive training, we can reset our brains to experience the world the way naturally happy people take for granted. (p9-10)

    1) EMOTIONS --- THE WAY WE FEEL --- How positive feelings can change your life (p14-21)

    2) KINDNESS --- A CARING HEART --- How to cultivate compassion (p22-29)

    3) UNCERTAINTY --- BEFRIENDING THE UNKNOWN --- How to be content with unpredictable outcomes (p30-37)

    4) CREATIVITY --- EXPRESSING YOURSELF --- How to court the artist within (p38-47)

    5) PURPOSE --- WHAT DOES MY LIFE SERVE? --- How to do what matters (p48-55)

    6) OTHER PEOPLE --- MAKING CONNECTIONS --- How to nurture friends and family" (p56-63)

    7) TIME --- THE CAVE AND THE POCKET --- How to balance past, present, and future (p64-69)

    8) ACCEPTANCE --- THE WISDOM OF LIMITS --- How to be happy with what is (p70-75)

    9) VALUES --- LIVING YOUR TRUTH --- How to find your moral compass (p76-83)

    10) WEALTH --- TRUE RICHES --- How much is enough? (p84-91)

    11) BEAUTY --- THE PLEASURE CONNECTION --- How to stir the senses (p92-101)

    12) LOVE --- MAKING IT LAST --- How to have a happy relationship (p102-109)

    13) LAUGHTER --- THE POWER OF HUMOR --- How to lighten up and live (p110-117)

    14) SUCCESS --- HAVING IT YOUR WAY --- How to be a happy achiever (p118-125)

    15) FAITH --- DRAWING ON THE SOURCE --- How to tap sacred strength (p125-133)

    16) SERENITY --- KEEPING THE PEACE --- How to find your still, calm center (p134-139)

    17) HEALTH --- WHOLE-PERSON HEALING --- How happiness affects wellness and vice versa (p140-147)

    18) NATURE --- NATURAL WONDER --- How Earth's infinite mysteries delight (p148-155)

    19) MEMORY --- VITAL RECALL --- How to create happy memories, starting now (p156-163)

    20) CHOICE --- FAVORABLE OPTIONS --- How to make wise decisions (p164-171)


    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (p173-175)

    INDEX (p176)

    ABOUT THE AUTHOR (inside back cover)

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