YOUR MEMORY --- A USER'S GUIDE by Alan Baddeley. Firefly Books, New Illustrated Edition, 2004

    PREFACE (p6-7)

      1) What is memory? (p9-21)

      2) Short-term memory (p23-39)

      3) Working memory (p41-65)

      4) Learning (p67-83)

      5) Organizing and remembering (p85-96)

      6) Forgetting (p97-115)

      7) Repression (p117-129)

      8) Storing knowledge (p131-151)

      9) Retrieval (p153-177)

      10) Eyewitness testimony (p179-196)

      11) Amnesia (p197-213)

      12) Memory in childhood (p215-227)

      13) Memory and aging (p229-251)

      14) Improving your memory (p253-272)

    BIBLIOGRAPHY (p274-280)

    INDEX (p282-286)

    PICTURE CREDITS (p288- )

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