by Brian Tracy. Nightingale-Conant Corporation, 1984, Six Audio Tapes

    1) Building a positive self-concept --- A winning attitude based on genuine achievements and self-actualization. The "Six S-E-C-R-E-Ts" or "Keys of Success," which can unlock the power of all your brain resources, can be remembered by using the acronym --- "SECRETS" --- since there is a bonus key that depends upon the successful use of the other six keys!

      S = Sense of purpose = personal mission in life, setting clear specific goals.
      E = Excellence = a commitment to superior execution in business and life.
      C = Contribution = performance = make your "working self" more valuable to others.
      R = Responsibility = you are the master of your fate! = maturity.
      E = Effort = the basic rule of life = "Sowing and Reaping" = working smart takes hard work = focus = concentration.
      T = Time management = using your talents and abilities efficiently = risking = setting goals and overcoming fears, especially your fear of success.

      and the elusive ---

      S = Self-Esteem = good feelings about your "self" and "mind" in relation to your "culture"

    In summary, the "seventh" bonus secret or key to success is the realization that HIGH self-esteem is essential if all the other "secret" ideas or insights or "keys" are going to be effective:

      S = Self-esteem, which depends upon how good you feel about your self and mind in relationship to your culture, depends upon your willingness to understand yourself and value yourself high enough to give you the courage and self-confidence required to motivate yourself to accomplish the goals and objectives you would like to achieve!

      It is the basis of your effectiveness in all areas of your life and it impacts all of the other "secret" ideas or insights or keys to personal and business success.

    In reality, if you are not overwhelmed by self-doubt and learned childhood frustrations and disappointments, then there are NO "secrets to success" since you are conscious of the fact that it requires a commitment to steady hard work to accomplish anything important during your lifetime!

    Other topics = The locus of control. Accident vs. Cause and Effect. Laws of mind:

      The law of belief.
      The law of expectation.
      The law of attraction.

    How belief systems shape attitudes...determine outcomes. The power of positive affirmation. Developing unshakable self-confidence. A simple method for improving your performance every day = to become goal-oriented, write down your goals and decide what your primary goal is.

    2) Accepting responsibility and taking charge:

    "IF IT'S TO BE ---
    IT'S UP TO ME!"

    Anger, blaming, accepting guilt, worry --- why you should eliminate them from your life?

    Guilt throwers vs. guilt catchers. A way to reject guilt. The value of being forgiving. A seven-step method to wipe out worry.

    A simple system for thinking like successful people. The phenomenon of denial. The "worry box" technique. The key to eradicating all negative emotions.

    How to think and act calmly in any situation.

    3) Programming for success. Improving your self-esteem. Selecting a "reference group" or support network that is right for you:


    Five steps to changing your belief structure --- getting what you want, not what you fear! How to develop new thought and action patterns. Putting affirmation and visualization to work, creating whatever mind/character qualities you desire.

    4) Goals and goal achieving. Developing specific goals for your life. Why goals are important. Obstacles to goals. A 12-point goal-achieving that enables you to get whatever you really want. Attaining balance in your three goal-setting areas. The right goals for you. Working simultaneously with tangible or intangible goals. Five basic requirements for using your time wisely.

    5) Creative problem solving and decision making. Raising expectations = raising performance. Why great performance is everything! The supra-conscious solution. (defined as your awareness of your brain chemistry and the skills involved in mastering your own emotions = high emotional intelligence). Why adversity can help you grow.

    6) Superior human relations. How to develop and maintain winning relationships. Why self-esteem ("how much you like yourself") is absolutely essential. How to build self-esteem in others, especially your intimate support group at your workplace (your primary "reference" group).

      Eight rules for successful interpersonal relationships.

      When and where to use the "third person disagreement" tactic.

      The six potential difficulties in personal relationships.

      Successful parent-child relationships. A good method for resolving family difficulties.

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