by Daniel Goleman. Bantom Books, 1998


    PART 1--- BEYOND EXPERTISE (p1-48)

      1) The new "yardstick" (p3-14)

      2) Competencies of the stars (p15-29)

        [1] The "tuned-out" programmer

        [2] Domains of excellence --- the limits of "I.Q." and the significance of "E.Q."

        [3] The second domain --- "expertise"

        [4] The third domain --- "emotional intelligence"

        [5] The "great divide"

        [6] "Emotional Competence"

          (1) Independent --- Each makes a unique contribution to job performance.

          (2) Interdependent --- Each draws to some extent on certain others, with many strong interactions.

          (3) Hierarchical --- The "emotional intelligence" capacities build upon one another. For example, self-awareness is crucial for self-regulation and empathy; self- regulation and self-awareness contribute to motivation; all the first four are at work in "social skills!"

          (4) Necessary, but not sufficient --- Having an underlying emotional intelligence ability does not guarantee people will develop or display the associated competencies, such as collaboration or leadership. Factors such as the climate of an organization or a person's interest in his or her job will also determine whether the competence manifests itself.

          (5) Generic --- The general list is to some extent applicable to all jobs. However, different jobs make differing competence demands.

        [6] The best --- what it takes

      3) The hard case for "soft skills" (p30-44)

    PART 2 --- SELF-MASTERY (p49-132)

      4) The "inner rudder" (p49-72)

      5) Self-control (p73-104)

      6) What moves us (p105-129)

    PART 3 --- PEOPLE SKILLS (p133-234)

      7) Social radar (p134-162)

      8) The 'arts of influence" (p163-197)

      9) Collaboration, teams, and the group IQ (p198-321)

    PART 4 --- A NEW MODEL OF LEARNING (p233-280)

      10) The billion-dollar mistake (p235-257)

      11) Best practices (p258-277)


      All organizations have an "intelligence" of sorts, just as do the groups and teams within it! Intelligence is the capacity to solve problems, meet challenges, or create valued products. In this sense, "organizational intelligence" represents that capacity as it emerges from the complex interplay of people and relationships, culture and roles within your organization.

      All organizations are "cybernetic" --- which is being engaged in continuous and overlapping feedback loops. These "feedback loops" gather information from within and without and adjusts operations accordingly. Systems theory assumes that in an organizational environment of turbulent change and competition, the organization that can take in information most widely, learn from it most thoroughly, and respond most nimbly, creatively, and flexibly will be the most adaptive.

      This principle applies to all organizations, big and small. It points to the crucial role of "information flow" throughout the organization in determining its viability --- its "intellectual capital!" Intellectual capital is the sum of what everybody in the organization knows and knows how to do. It is what gives your organization its competitive edge or motivation and drive to succeed in its mission! (p279-311)

      12) Taking the "organizational pulse" (p281- 296)

      13) The "heart of performance" (p297-311)

        [1] Maximizing the "organization's intelligence" (p298- 299)

        [2] Emotionally intelligent organizations --- the basic business practices found by the Saratoga Institute in a study of 600 businesses regarding the characteristics that "OUTSTANDING" companies had in common (p300-301)

          (1) A balance between the human and financial sides of the company's agenda

          (2) Organizational commitment to a basic strategy

          (3) Initiative to stimulate improvements in performance

          (4) Open communication and trust-building with all stakeholders

          (5) Building relationships inside and outside that offer competitive advantage

          (6) Collaboration, support, and sharing resources

          (7) Innovation, risk taking, and learning together

          (8) A passion for competition and continual improvement

        [3] A global team (p302-303)

        [4] One for all --- the economics of collaboration (p303-304)

        [5] A need to achieve (p304-305)

        [6] Building with integrity (p305-307)

        [7] The "ardinal sin" (p307-308)

        [8] When help is wanted (p309)

        [9] A human radar: (p309-311)

        Buidling working relationships --- Being a team player; having self-confidence, presence, and style; being empathic and a good listener; having the ability to sell an idea; maturity and integrity. (p310)

        Getting things done --- Being a self-starter, with drive, energy, and a sense of urgency that gets results; showing judgment and common sense; being independent, entrepreneurial, and imaginative; having leadership potential. (p310)

        Personal fit --- Having the qualities of a friend, colleague, and partner; being honest and adhering to one's values; being motivated; being sociable, with "sparkle" and a sense of humor; modesty; having a full personal life and outside interests; understanding the firm and its values. (p310)

      14) Some final thoughts (p312-316)

    SOME FINAL THOUGHTS (p312-316)

      [1] Our children and the "future of work" (p313-314)

      [2] Tomorrow's organization --- the "virtual organization" (p314-315)

      [3] The "bottom line" (p315-316)

    APPENDIX 1) Emotional Intelligence (p317-318)

    APPENDIX 2) Calculating the competencies of "stars" (p319-321)

    APPENDIX 3) Gender and "empathy" (p322-323)

    APPENDIX 4) Strategies for "leveraging diversity" (p324-325)

    APPENDIX 5) Further issues in "training" (p326-330)

      [1] More on --- assessing "emotional competence"

      [2] More on --- gauging "readiness"

      [3] More on --- "practice"

    NOTES (p331-372)

    INDEX (p373-383)





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