- Brain Scientist's Personal Journey
(Book Title = My Stroke of Insight)
- Challenging the Brain for Health and Wisdom
(Book Title = Maximum Brainpower)
- Healthy Brain Workbook and CD-Rom
(Book Title = same as above)
- How a New Science Reveals
Our Extraordinary Potential to
Transform Ourselves
(Book Title = Train Your Mind,
Change Your Brain)
- How Brain Evolution has Given Us
Love, Memory, Dreams, and God
(Book Title = Accidental Mind)
- How the Brain Rewires Itself
(Magazine Article Title = same as above)
- How the Brain's Wiring
Makes Us Who We Are
(Book Title = Connectome)
- How the Emerging Neurosociety is
Changing How We Live, Work, and Love
(Book Title = Naked Brain)
- How the New Science of Consciousness
Explains Our Unsatiable Search for Meaning
(Book Title = Ravenous Brain)
- How to Change Your Brain's Response
to Anger, Fear, Pain, & Desire
(Book Title = Neural Path Therapy)
- How to Raise a Smart and
Happy Child from Zero to Five
(Book Title = Brain Rules for Baby)
- How Your Unconscious Mind
Rules Your Behavior
(Book Title = Subliminal)
- Letting Go of the Past
to Live in the Moment
(Book = Emotionally Free)
- Marvel and Mystery of the Brain
(Book = Alchemy of Mind)
- Mysterious Underpinnings
of Emotional Life
(Book = Emotional Brain)
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
(Book Title)
- New Psychology of Success
(Book Title = Mindset)
- New Psychology of Time
That Will Change Your Life
(Book Title = Time Paradox)
- Origin and Machinery of the Mind
(Book Title = Anatomy of Thought)
- Perception, Attention, and the
Four Theaters of the Brain
(Book Title = User's Guide to the Brain)
- Quest to Understand the
Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain, from Vienna 1900 to the Present
(Book Title = Age of Insight)
- Reset Your Thinking and See the Future
(Book Title = Mind Set!)
- Science of the Senses and How
We Process the World Around Us
(Book Title = Brain Sense)
- Secret of Human Thought Revealed
(Book Title = How to Create a Mind)
- Stories of Personal Triumph from
the Frontiers of Brain Science
(Book Title = Brain That Changes Itself)
- Study in Consciousness
(Book Title = Seeing Red)
- Surprising Talents
of the Middle-Aged Mind
(Book Title = Secret Life of the Grown-Up Brain)
- Twelve (12) Principles for Surviving and
Thriving at Work, Home, and School
(Book Title = Brain Rules)
- Unleashing the Explosive Power
of Your Mind to Maximize Health,
Happiness, and Spiritual Well-Being
(Book Title = Super Brain)
- User's Manual
(Book Title = Brain)
- Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs,
Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts
(Book Title = Mistakes Were Made,
But Not By Me)
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