The brain flash card called "Consciousness" can be activated by clicking on the first box on the top line of the Brain Facts List. It explains the idea of "human consciousness" in the most accurate scientific way possible. However, to understand all the important details involved in the extraordinary natural processes by which your brain creates your mind, you must learn to know the following 100 astounding modern factual brain ideas. None of the factual brain ideas is intuitive!
All of the brain facts were first discovered by using the scientific method of analysis. In the past 20 years, all of the factual brain ideas have been experimentally verified many times. So, the theories behind all of the ideas are based on objective evidence, not illusions. A few tiny details about the functions of human brains at the microscopic level may change with new research results. But the practical comprehensive current explanations of basic brain functioning will never change! We now know the essence of modern mortal human life as being part of the "fabric" of Nature and a supreme example of the evolutionary process of complex designs in the Universe.
Once you know what all the words mean, you will have the complete linguistic context (language or vocabulary) necessary to discover the reasons why you behave the way you do and why you chose the values you learned in the past. That will provide you with the philosophical approach known as "motivated reasoning," which explains how you can control your learned feelings with your own rational humanistic thoughts.
The details of the first three brain flash cards (#1 = Consciousness, #2 = Neurons, and #3 = Synapses) are revealed for FREE along with brain images and complete details as well as authoritative professional reference sources for fact-checking. The remaining 97 Alphabetical Brain Vocabulary Flash Cards are listed as "names" only on the "Brain Facts List" of brain parts and functions. There are links to the shortest most complete declarative statements or "definitions" for the additional 97 essential brain parts and functions, which should become a part of the brain tissue in your long-term memory resources.
The free demonstration format of this website is for promotional purposes, with the hope that it will motivate you to purchase the online download package of 100 brain flash cards, which includes the complete interactive details, and the professional reference sources for the "BRAIN APPLICATION" at a price of only $1.98. This priceless information is organized to make your life easier, simpler, and more fun. There are two kinds of brain flash cards, an online "download" and a hard copy "deck," which can be used by students of all ages for thorough immersion in the new brain ideas. This information is especially organized so the brain facts and ideas can be memorized rapidly and also remembered most effectively for practical use.
The 100 factual brain ideas explain human intelligence and the meaning of human life in an organized context of essential scientific reason-based ideas. This is a direct response to the fact that each human brain consists of three pounds of the most complex organic biological tissue ever discovered in the Universe! The purpose of crunching all of the latest brain science knowledge into the educational format of 100 brain flash cards (with instant links to complete details and reference sources) is an attempt to help anyone understand exactly how complicated (but knowable) human brains really are and how the complexity of human brains can produce creative abstract thinking as well as will power and free will because of its emergent "self-organization" caused by evolution.
The brain facts and ideas, which are organized on this educational website, consist of the most practical and useful words that have ever been created by scientists. Your life can become more meaningful and enjoyable in just a few hours or days or weeks, depending upon how much time you devote to the objective of understanding how your brain works. Now you can weave the 100 factual brain ideas into the fabric of your life with just a little coordinated effort on your part. Then you will become part of the fabric of reality and be able to influence the fabric of the infinite Universe. Of course, the word "fabric" is used as a familiar metaphor for the idea of grounding yourself in self-conscious reality based on scientific evidence.
You may need to forget or demythologize some of your own childhood or youthful cultural or ethnic beliefs, which are not compatible with the factual brain ideas. Old untrue beliefs can linger in your brain tissue as illusory memories long after they have lost their original usefulness in your everyday life. In order to liberate yourself from the delusions of grandeur associated with false adult beliefs, which may have been enshrined in your memory from childhood, you must develop a strategy for removing them from your adult long-term memory resources.
Any remnants of beliefs from the old vocabulary and language of spiritualism or ancient religions, which are not consistent with the new facts and ideas (of the new vocabulary and language of brain science), must be liquidated from your memory for the best application of the new reason-based factual brain ideas. This means that delusions and superstitions must be erased or deleted from your memory in order for you to efficiently plan for a meaningful future with maximum impact and the recognition that you deserve for your own unique passionate efforts to be a good person. In the modern world, goodness counts in everything you achieve in life! It is not how much money you have or how many things you own that counts, but how good you have been and how you feel about your opportunities in the future. The Golden Rule is still the best way to measure your success!
In this regard, this website includes FREE mental exercises to help you replace false illusory beliefs, which can block your critical thinking activities by causing great confusion or "brain fog." To help you in this process of clarifying what "reality" actually is, this website's new "BRAIN APP" version of the Alphabetical Brain Vocabulary ™ includes thought experiments with clear links to the professional scientific references that validate their utility. The ultimate purpose of this website is to integrate fundamental principles from both science and the liberal arts (technology and art) to provide a holistic approach to understanding the new eclectic brain science findings.
You can make your unique lifetime matter more by creating true memories to replace any false memories that you may have unknowingly learned when you were a child before you knew about science and liberal secular humanism. You can actively love your friends and relatives better if you know why you feel concern or empathy for them from the perspective of biology and modern evolutionary theory. Your respect for others depends upon how your "mirror neurons" were programmed by your past experiences and how your brain's memory resources have stored them in your "limbic system," which is the emotional center of your brain. You have the opportunity to change any memory by deliberately analyzing it in the context of brain science, which will make it possible for you to inject new factual information, including the appropriate scientific brain names and functions, into your long-term memory resources.
Your freedom of speech and intellectual freedom are the birthright values of citizens of the United States who live in the most complex multicultural democratic and advanced scientific society that has ever existed on Earth. In addition, your freedom to choose depends upon your ability to control your thoughts and feelings. The Alphabetical Brain Vocabulary ™ can help you learn how to improve your thinking habits so you will be able to control your feelings and thereby develop practical wisdom and happiness skills, which can empower you to achieve your security needs and self-actualization goals.
Now you can assert your inalienable rights to life, liberty and the daily practice of happiness from the perspective of the wisdom of the new brain science and the power of your own reasoning skills. "You can do it! Don't try, do!", advised the wonderful humble mystic monk Yoda in the film Star Wars.