The new brain knowledge (100 brain ideas) can help you take conscious control over any inappropriate bad habits or negative feelings that you may have. It can even give you more respect for yourself and more empathy for others because you will have more rational control over your own behavior and more positive influence over your relationships.

The new brain research has revealed that your "mind" is what your brain's "sensory self" does! Your brain creates your consciousness, which in combination with your language, creates your "mind" or self-awareness. This is the most important "FACT" that every human being should learn during childhood and celebrate every day. Your brain tissue plus your family language produces your ability to experience your own self-awareness.

Also, since your perception of your "sensory self" depends upon the quality of the memories that you have about yourself, which are stored in your long-term memory resources, it is extremely important for you to routinely and vigorously add new positive memory molecules to your brain's hippocampus and prefrontal cortex ("PFC"). You can do this by learning important new ideas whenever possible.

Activating your brain by purposefully thinking and reasoning on a daily basis can create "cognitive reserve" which is a kind of insurance for extending your brainpower into old age.

You can do this by repeatedly studying the correct names and descriptions of the main parts of your brain and its major functions. This will generate positive feelings as you discover the real facts about your own brainpower potential.

Also your study of specific mindfulness principles and skills, as well as your Alphabetical Brain™ Vocabulary, can help you manage and control your thoughts and feelings and actions at the same time it increases your cognitive reserve.

As you do deliberately think and reason on a regular basis, you will be learning the value of strengthening the neuronal pathways in the frontal lobes of your cerebral cortex. Your cerebral cortex is commonly known as your "intellectual brain," even though all the parts of your brain have to be operating in a coordinated way for you to take advantage of the infinite capacity of your whole brain to think and solve problems.

This new holistic perspective about your "brain potential" can empower you to consciously override any raw emotions that may be aroused by any disruptive unconscious feelings associated with emotionally charged or distorted memories from your past.

The most significant aspect of the relationship between your brain ("sensory self") and your mind ("social self"), which includes your self-awareness and self-image, is your ability to access accurate memories of the past and reframe them in a positive context so you can control your present thoughts.

This creative positive process of intervening in your own "stream of consciousness" and redirecting it into a positive linguistic context may have to be undertaken in spite of powerful (and seemingly uncontrollable) intrusive or invasive disruptive or negative emotions when you are awake or recovering from a dream-or-nightmare state of sleep.

Emotions linked to negative memories can unconsciously activate your limbic system, which is commonly known as your "emotional brain," and give you a false impression of your past reality. This happens because your memories may be inaccurate due to subliminal distortion.

This dysfunctional interpretation of your past memories can even distort your present perception of reality. This is crucially important for you to be aware of since this possible dysfunctional aspect of your brain's operation can adversely influence your ability to control the meaning and direction of your life. Any small distortions of reality can be magnified by your unconscious memories when they are influenced by subliminal distortion.

Memories of distressful or traumatic events in the past, which are stored in your brain tissue as "implicit memories," can arouse distorted negative "explicit memories" when you experience them in the present moment (retrieve them from your long-term memory resources). They can continue to cause harm in your present life because of their seemingly uncontrollable nature, if you do not learn effective ways ("skills that become habits") of controlling them.

This psycho-social fact is extremely important for you to know, if you want to keep your brain and mind and body all well-balanced, meaning as comfortable and pleasant as possible during both happy and difficult times by using your brainpower wisely.

For example, as Alzheimer's patients lose the ability to remember their most important memories, they lose their sense of identity in relation to even the closest members or their families and their friends as well as important events in their past life. These victims, of the most serious form of dementia, are good examples of why it is so important for you to keep actively learning new skills, since the learning process activates new neuronal pathways. This process of challenging and updating your old memories of the past can create additional cognitive reserve before it is too late.

When you participate in new activities and achieve new skills and experience new intense emotions, you will be adding new neuronal connections in the nerve fibers of your brain tissue which means that you will have more cognitive reserve as you age.

By adding new brain words to your vocabulary, related to your brain's structure and functions, you will be adding more cognitive reserve inside your brain tissue. This is a profound fact of life that has great implications for you if you want to thrive as long as possible and feel lots of intense feelings of success as you live for a long time.

Also as you learn more about how to use your creative imagination to focus on the important things in your life, you can become less influenced by the many irrelevant distractions of the modern mass media and/or ancient historical opinions about reality. In fact, the new brain knowledge can help you organize your thoughts and feelings around your own special goals and best plans in a rational and ethical way.

In addition, it can help you keep your "brain-mind-body" connections balanced and your brain waves harmonized at your "happiness set-point." The good new brain news is that even your happiness set-point is adjustable, if you know how to do it!

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