[1] Reasoned Motivation is a Critical Thinking Skill

One of the essential brainpower skills that you will learn how to do is "reasoned motivation." It is a rational way to develop your critical thinking skills. The brain flash cards contain reasons for you to assume that your sensory self-identity is true. And your new brainpower skills can provide a reliable basis for your philosophy of life and a compelling reason to use good thinking habits.

Since the two special formats of the brain flash cards (online and printed deck) rely on the use of different senses and neuronal circuits to relay sensory information to your brain, your memory consolidation can be optimized by using both versions for repeated exposures to the factual brain ideas in a coordinated way over the period of several weeks.

[2] Using Simple Learning Techniques and Memory Skills

By using a few simple learning techniques and memory skills, including note-taking with pen or pencil (writing down notes) to assist your memory when you study, you will be able to evaluate your own learning progress with measurable objective markers of success.

This vital "self-monitoring" skill will give you the power to establish a healthy understanding of the relationship between your evolutionary (biological) "singular sensory self" and your culturally influenced (socially contrived) "multiple selves" or personalities. When you combine this skill with your other critical thinking skills, you can create transformative new insights with practice and more careful reasoning.

[3] Successive Approximation is the Best Method of Achieving Your Goals

Successive approximation is the best way to pursue your most prized goals since you start out being satisfied with small steps along the path to accomplishing a difficult life-changing goal. In addition to focusing on and prioritizing your goals, your plans need to include the practice of self-inquiry at the same time.

The intellectual process of self-inquiry includes the purposeful "forgetting" of useless memories. As you learn the new brain ideas, you will be simultaneously liquidating ignorance and challenging stereotypes and superstitions that may be stuck in your long-term memory resources. You will be clarifying the nature of true reality as your mind's new brain ideas create new meanings in your life and reliable ideals based on concrete factual sensory reality instead of ficticious abstract metaphorical illusions.

[4] Cognitive Dissonance and Subliminal Distortion are Threats to Sound Reasoning

By recognizing that your mind is influenced by the unconscious cognitive processes known as "cognitive dissonance" and "subliminal distortion," you will be able to analyze your own behavior and over time correct any memory errors or personal prejudices.

Also you will be able to distinguish conscientious "fact-based thinking" from imaginary abstract "delusional thinking" about anything, when you understand how cognitive dissonance and subliminal distortion actually operate in your brain's unconscious memory resources and impact your consciousness.

As you look for concrete evidence upon which to choose true ideas from the huge array of unproven abstract ideas available in your complex English language database, you will be able to apply the brainpower insights to your best advantage.

To summarize: in order to prioritize your useful memories, you must learn how to forget any useless memories, which you may have learned when you were more vulnerable to illogical fallacies about reality. This skill, when learned properly, can save your cognitive energy so you can use it when it is really important in your life, especially when you need to optimize your use of time.

[5] The "Push-Pull" Conflicts of Interest between Your Sensory Self and Your Social Selves

Since all your past social influences are stored as unconscious memories in your "brain," they can confuse your "mind," if you are not prepared to deal with them in a scientific way. That is why you must know how your evolution-based "singular sensory self" creates your adaptable "multiple social selves" in order to satisfy your survival needs as you live in the most complex literate culture ever created by humans!

With the help of the brain vocabulary, you can gain control over your brain's operations. Also you will be learning practical skills about how your brain, which produces your sensory self, creates your mind, which is your self-awareness. This is due to the fact that you will be learning how to think properly (accurately) about the way your brain works.

To summarize: the new brain vocabulary can give you new brain knowledge, which will be stored in your semantic and episodic and autobiographical memory systems, so your "mind" (self-awareness) can train your brain to control its functions more predictably! By deciding to learn and practice the new brainpower skills, you will be able to use your power of free will to exercise your willpower!

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Question #3:
Why is the New Brain
Knowledge Important?

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