(Formatted for Computers)

This format for the free online demonstration version of the 100 Alphabetical Brain™ Vocabulary Flash Cards is designed to be viewed on your computer.

The complete commercial version of the educational brain flash cards will be available in the App Store with the name "Brain App" by fall 2013. It will give you the option to use either the computer format or the mobile device format.

The purpose of the Alphabetical Brain™ Vocabulary is to help you use your "self-organizing brain" to prioritize and strategize your decisions as you set goals and make plans to achieve them.

The 100 brain flash cards can provide you with a wonderful new philosophy of life, which can give your brain the essential knowledge it needs to boost your self-esteem and improve your ability to reason.

The flash cards are organized in a unique sequential way with an emphasis on the newest revolutionary scientific brain ideas at the beginning. Each flash card includes a brain diagram and a brief description of an important brain idea so you can quickly learn the 100 most important brain ideas based on the latest scientific evidence.

This approach can help you visualize and memorize the brain ideas in a way that will activate your memory resources and facilitate your ability to use the new brain information. Your brain remembers short declarative sentences best in the context of interrogative questions such as those used in common critical thinking exercises, such as Why?, How?, What?, When?, Where?, and Who?

Therefore, the scientific text on each flash card serves as the essential "brain vocabulary" or linguistic context necessary for efficient memorization, since the fact on the back answers the question on the front of each brain flash card.

The topics or "chunks" of interrelated ideas, which describe your brain's parts and functions, are easier to memorize when they are arranged in this comprehensive synergistic sequence of the 100 most important chunks of factual brain ideas.

The vocabulary on the brain flash cards reveals all of the new essential brain knowledge required for you to expand your "sense of self" (your "mind") in an incremental balanced way. This is similar to the way that your overall intelligence is enlarged whenever you purposefully remember the meanings of any new words. The big difference is that the new brain words can help you manage your own behavior better than you can without them!

The names and meanings of your brain's parts and functions are presented in a step-by-step description of the way the parts of your complex brain and nervous system create the interactive functions that produce your consciousness and self-awareness.

Since you will have more wisdom about whether your choices will be life enhancing or life threatening, your personal growth can be grounded in true concrete perceptions of reality instead of abstract fantasies and fairy tales.

By using the Alphabetical Brain™ Vocabulary, you will be able to understand true "cause-and-effect" relationships better and also calculate the predictable "cost-benefit" results of your decisions better.

This rational approach to learning can inspire you to create achievable goals and make effective plans for your own optimum health and happiness as well as enable you to help others achieve success.

From now on you will be able to use your own reasoning ability to apply mindfulness skills instead of relying on faith-based historical religious belief systems or contemporary spirit-based belief systems.

You may have learned superstitious beliefs that retard authentic thinking before your brain's PFC (prefrontal cortex) was fully developed for rational thinking or before you learned that the scientific method can validate factual wisdom about how your brilliant brain and amazing mind truly operate.

With this website to help you investigate your own brain functions, you will have the power of the Internet as well as your own brainpower to enlighten you and motivate you to be your best self.

Why not use your own brainpower and the power of the organized information on this website to help you understand your brilliant brain better? Brainpower rules!

Instantly Go To:
Benefits #1:
Knowing How
My Brain Works

(Formatted for Computers)

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List of 100 Demo
Brain Flash Cards

(Formatted for Computers)