PHYSICAL SAFETY AND SECURITY NEED = "I can improvise solutions to my physical safety and survival needs!"
Self-Talk questions to think through action-oriented personal issues:
[1] Am I consciously aware of my evolutionary need to stay alive?
.........................................Always ____ Sometimes____ Never ____
[2] Do satisfy my biological need for physical safety through using cultural opportunities?
.........................................Always ____ Sometimes____ Never ____
[3] Do I understand that I must be creative in achieving solutions to my physical safety and security needs?
.........................................Always ____ Sometimes____ Never ____
[4] Do I realize that I need to develop skills to provide physical safety and security for myself and family?
.........................................Always ____ Sometimes____ Never ____
[5] Do I understand that my bodily and brainpower needs must be satisfied before I can hope to fully satisfy my selfr-actualization needs?
.........................................Always ____ Sometimes____ Never ____
Planning for the future by using the "SMART" formula for creating plans to achieve personal goals and feel successful:
S = Specific goals
M = Measurable goals
A = Achievable plans
R = Realistic plans
T = Time-Limited plans
SELF-TALK comments about making plans for the future: "I will always remember that I need to feel unthreatened and will use the SMART RULES for achieving my physical safety and security needs."
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Maslow User-Interface Motivational Chart