ECONOMIC SKILLS STATEMENT = "I can become more employable (or promotable) by learning skill-sets with which I can earn a legitimate predictable wage or salary!"
Self-Talk questions to think through my action-oriented personal issues:
[1] Do I work and save for the future?
...................................Always ____ Sometimes ____ Never ____
[2] Do I improve my skills and talents daily? ...................................Always ____ Sometimes ____ Never ____
[3] Am I responsible in the sense of caring about the financial needs of my family and friends as well as myself?
...................................Always ____ Sometimes ____ Never ____
[4] Do I think about wanting more economic security in the future?
...................................Always ____ Sometimes ____ Never ____
[5] Do I think about wanting more opportunities to advance economically in the future?
...................................Always ____ Sometimes ____ Never ____
Planning for the future by using the "SMART" formula for creating plans to achieve personal goals and feel successful:
S = Specific goals
M = Measurable goals
A = Achievable plans
R = Realistic plans
T = Time-Limited plans
SELF-TALK comments about making myself more employable or promotable in the future: "I will always remember to make my work-related plans in the context of the SMART RULES for mindful analysis of my economic needs."
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