LOVE VALIDATION SKILLS STATEMENT = "I can learn to be worthy of loving kindness because I know how important it is for my health and pleasure as well as those whom I love!"
Self-Talk questions to think through action-oriented personal issues:
[1] Am I worthy of love and affection
...........................................Always ____ Sometimes ____ Never ____
[2] Am I active in groups because I recognize my need for social validation?
...........................................Always ____ Sometimes____ Never ____
[3] Am I able to talk to others about my need to be validated through love?
...........................................Always ____ Sometimes ____ Never ____
[4] Do I contribute to society by expressing love and concern for the welfare of others?
...........................................Always ____ Sometimes ____ Never ____
[5] Am I worthy of being "married" and having a traditional or non-traditional "family"?
...........................................Always ____ Sometimes ____ Never ____
Planning for the future by using the "SMART" formula for creating plans to achieve personal goals and feel successful:
S = Specific goals
M = Measurable goals
A = Achievable plans
R = Realistic plans
T = Time-Limited plans
SELF-TALK comments about making plans to be worthy of love and affection: "I will always remember that being worthy of love and affection requires learnable relationship skills in the context of the SMART RULES for mindful respect for the needs and values of those I hope will want to love me."
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