

The best way to use this website to strengthen your mental force and make you smarter (more intelligent) is to combine the spaced-repetition technique of learning with the flash card method of memorization.
When these two powerful study strategies are augmented by computers and the new hand-held mobile devices (phones and tablets) and the online resources of the internet, learning the new complex brain facts and ideas could not be easier.
The combination of planned study strategies organized around the structured links of this website can provide you with many synergistic advantages for saving time learning and making better decisions by applying the new brain ideas in your life.
The flash card method of memorization requires repeated exposures to the brain ideas, for a few seconds at first and then for a few minutes, for each flash card brain idea.
You may want to do a 25-30 minute study session to learn about several brain ideas at a time, especially if you take advantage of the additional DETAILS links and the FACT FINDER links that are available for each of the 15 brain ideas on the flash cards.
In the beginning, the length of the study sessions can be short, but can become longer as you notice rapid progress and see the direct relationship between the amount of time you spend studying and the effectiveness of each study session.
This kind of self-directed learning is the easiest way to memorize anything new.
The pattern of visual cues on the brain flash cards, including the words, diagrams, colors, and the unique format of the diagrams on both sides, can help you decode the brain information more efficiently in your visual cortex.
Also the cues on the flash cards can help you remember the brain facts both in your working memory resources and in your long-term memory system better than any other study method.
Once you see how valuable each brain idea is, you will be able to infer from your brain study effort, that the more you study, the more your thoughts can control your feelings and help you feel good more of the time!
In addition, the new brain vocabulary words can be categorized (chunked) together in convenient combinations of your own choosing for easy adaptation to your own personal learning style.
The brain memory codes (acronyms) on the 15 brain flash cards are linked to the brain definitions in order to condense complex meanings into simpler easier to remember declarative statements.
Then the brain ideas will be easier to recall later when they are triggered by the memory code letters that are already stored in your long-term memory system from past experiences.
A brain acronym (with a letter or letters) can become a powerful reminder of a particular brain idea, since the letters are already stored in the neuronal pathways of your long-term memory system due to earlier memories that contained those letters.
Brain researchers have demonstrated that memories are only partial facsimiles of the original experiences that were remembered, which they call constructed memories, which they mean, re-constructed memories.
However, the memory codes that you choose to use to memorize the brain ideas can act like mental anchors for the new brain ideas.
The memory codes help integrate all of the brain ideas into a meaningful whole in your long-term memory system.
In the seven sections of the Introduction to this website and the Humanist Brain Study Guide and Humanist Family Brain Survey, more details are expressed to explain the humanistic reasoning justifying the inclusion of each of the 15 brain ideas.
For example, the Humanist Brain Study Guide explains how the memory techniques can be applied as memory boosters to enhance your natural long-term memory consolidation system so the sequence of the 15 brain ideas can easily be learned.
Another important memory boosting technique is to keep a written record of your repeated exposures to the brain facts and ideas when you use the brain flash cards.
There is a printable 30 Day Memorization Timetable Chart at the bottom of the Humanist Family Brain Survey, which can be printed and used to document the amount of time you spend each day studying your brain functions.
This simple memory technique of writing down your time commitment to brain study can motivate you to spend more time actually transferring memory molecules of cognitive content from your working memory resources to your long-term memory system.
When you use the Timetable Chart, you will be tracking your progress at the same time.
Also you will be learning how to use critical thinking and reading skill-sets to determine the relevance and usefulness of each of the 15 brain ideas and the brain facts that support them.
Also recent research indicates that memorization happens faster when you try to remember answers to specific questions (interrogatives).
That is why the 15 brain flash cards have a brief question on the front and a brief answer (a concise declarative statement) on the back of each of the flash cards.
By reciting to yourself both the QUESTION and the ANSWER repeatedly, you will be able to transfer the meanings of the brain ideas to your long-term memory system faster than any other way, especially if you augment your understanding of each brain idea by studying the details in the files attached to each of the 15 brain ideas.
As you begin to understand how your several memory circuits function to link the interactive parts of your brain to your everyday experiences, you will be able to keep a calm anxiety-free sense of your self as you make reasonable decisions over time.
These experiences are not illusions since your authentic sense of self is the ultimate fact of your existence!
After you learn about a new brain idea, you will be able to recall the new brain knowledge easily when you want to refresh your memory about a particular brain idea (brain function).
Later, when you think about a particular brain function, you will be able to selectively remember the related new brain facts and ideas by purposefully thinking about them and conjuring them up in your conscious working memory resources.
You can create more rapid recall about the brain facts when you spend more time studying your brain and memorizing the names and functions of your brain's most consciously controllable functional systems.
When you use the new brain vocabulary, you will be able to create effective strategies for using your humanist mental force wisely as you think about ethical solutions to the problems of living.
Then you will you will have a new perspective with which to act decisively as you save time achieving more meaningful results.
WHY THIS MATTERS: The best way to learn about the 15 brain ideas and your humanist mental force (brainpower) is to use the spaced-repetition technique of learning combined with the flash card method of memorization to consolidate facts about brain functions in your long-term memory.

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