ACCELERATED LEARNING by Colin Rose, Dell, 1985.
INTRODUCTION --- You can accelerate learning by creating a pleasant, relaxed receptive state of mind and by "chunking" the new information that you want to learn in new ways that actively involve both your left and right "brains" or both the left and right "sides" of your brain!
Accelerated learning is based on new scientific discoveries of how your human brain works and how your memory works. How can facts be rapidly and deeply "fixed" in your memory?
Accelerated learning works by setting up memorable visual and aural associations in your mind that are simultaneously absorbed by both the "conscious" and "unconscious" parts of your brain!
In the past, learning was based on the idea that determined concentration and frequent repetition was essential. Now science has proven that such learning is inefficient because it causes unnecessary tension and it tends to involve just one half of your brain. Instead, accelerated learning is based on the idea that the more efficient learning can be achieved in a pleasantly relaxed receptive state of mind when information is presented in new ways that actively involve the "left brain" and "right brain" or, in other words, both sides of your brain!
The amazing result and paradox is that a learner puts in no more conscious effort than normal, since the learner is relaxed. When facts are contained in sentences that are short and rhythmical, they can be more easily remembered. The new information is thus positioned so it can be absorbed in the "peripheral vision" of your mind.
This accelerated learning process creates new interesting associations among the facts you want to learn because of a sophisticated form of creative "planned repetition." This deliberate conscious exercise of your brain "locks in" the new information in your long-term memory. Thus, for efficient and fulfilling learning, you must think "planned repetition" and more planned repetition!
In summary, you can "accelerate" your learning by creating a pleasant, relaxed receptive state of mind and by categorizing or "chunking" new information that you want to learn in new ways, which actively involve both the left and right sides of your brain!
1) Your incredible brain (p4-26)
2) The basis of memory (p27-37)
3) Improving memory (p38-52)
4) Memory aids (p53-70)
5) The power of your imagination (p71-82)
6) The genesis of accelerated learning (p83-92)
7) What is the role of the music (p93-106)
8) The evidence (106-121)
9) Tell me --- 12 key questions (p123-141)
10) The state of the art (p142-157)
11) Putting it all together --- 27 facts about accelerated learning (p158-168)
12) First relax! (p169-178)
13) An accelerated learning course (p179-201)
14) Accelerated learning for your children (p202-208)
15) How you can be involved (p209-210)
16) Notes for teachers (p211-216)
The Paradise Unified School Project (p217-220)
APPENDIX B --- the prerecorded language courses (p221-225)
APPENDIX C --- Some current accelerated learning (p226-227)
INDEX (p235-246)
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