Skill-Set #1:
You can improve your "thinking skills" through strategic planning, reading, writing, and Internet searching. Your future personal and career success will depend upon how much you can comprehend and use the five interactive "Smart Skill-Sets" on this website. This skill-set link focuses on ways to improve your own thinking skills.
In order to be successful personally or professionally you need to have a “thinking strategy.” Such a thinking strategy should include the latest brainpower knowledge about how your brain works. It is the first time in human history that you can optimize your thinking skills based on scientific research. This is important for you because the information can help you survive and thrive in this fascinating rapidly changing complex world.
Your brain is always active even when you are asleep!
Learning more efficient and effective reading and writing skills can help you learn how to be more creative in solving problems and reducing unhealthy excess stress in your life. Also you can learn how to use your time and energy more wisely in educational pursuits that will increase your knowledge about how your new "brainpower knowledge" will create a new perception of your SELF!
You can use the sequence of graphic images at the following link to help you "visualize" the physiological structure of the key anatomical parts of your "neuronal networks" or brain cell circuits. The series of five "sensory strip images" simulates the real experience of "seeing" inside your brain! You can "perceive" a whole new perspective about your real SELF in this microscopic view of your brain cells at the following link:
Click on the first of a series of five images:
Inside Your Brain's Cerebral Cortical Sensory Strip
This series of microscopic images inside your cerebral cortex's "sensory strip" reveals the molecular action happening. The images magnify the intricate microscopic arrangement of "neurons" and "neuron networks" in your brain that make possible the billions of dynamic synaptic actions that connect all your millions of brain cells!
The billions of synaptic connections in your healthy brain make it possible for you to study effectively and efficiently. If your brain is rested enough and if it has enough oxygenated blood flowing into it and through it, and if your electrolytes have enough sodium and potassium to enable your synapses to function optimally, your study time will be more effective and efficient. If those three basic factors are taken care of, and your attention is not distracted or you are not over anxious, then your memory can be focused for maximum productivity. Of course, rest requires adequate sleep and relaxation. And rich blood flow requires adequate physical activities and exercise. And balanced electrolytes require adequate food and water in a balanced nutritional plan!
The big problem is determining what "adequate" sleep, nutrition, and exercise means since each person's requirements may be slightly different. It takes brainpower, which is the subject of this website, to focus your full attention on learning these facts and ideas as well as possible. Your fifteen main brain parts and five main functional areas are dynamically involved in all aspects of your ability to study any subject --- including reading, writing, or talking. This is especially true when you study such abstract ideas as your personal and social values or your philosophical assumptions about the meaning of your life.
The separate parts of your brain do not function as well if your self-awareness is not focused on positive happy aspects of your daily life and future possibilities. You need to choose to be engaged with the world around you and be willing to collaboratively interact socially. Even though the diagram below indicates that other parts of your brain are involved in the actual processes of reading and writing as you consciously determine your goals and plans and decisions and actions, the brain functions depicted in the series of images showing your cerebral cortex sensory strip are all operating unconsciously at the same time.
The following list of abstracted summaries and outlines of books can help you rapidly improve your critical thinking skills. They focus your attention on the specific essential factual ideas that can help you improve your study skills and abilities. Then you will be more efficient and effective in all your future thinking, planning, and doing. To achieve optimal successful learning, first think “planned repetition” and then think more planned repetition!
What is going on inside your brain when you read and write? The five main brain areas activated when you read and write are shown in the following diagram:

1) Brain Areas activated when you study by reading and writing --- which are key thinking skills:
[1] Primary visual and "visual association" areas. These areas of your brain perceive the sight of words.
[2] Angular gyrus. The early stages of word interpretation occur here. This is where
your visual stimulus is converted into its linguistic meaning.
[3] Wernicke's area. The full meaning of a written word is understood in this part of
your brain. If you decide to write something, the words you use are conceived here.
[4] Broca's area. This area arranges the sequence of movements that you need
in order to write anything.
[5] Motor cortex. From here, electro-chemical neural commands are sent to the muscles that you use for writing.
2) One of the best ways to think about how your memory works is to understand the
phenomena of planned repetition. First, assume that your brain has FOUR LAYERS:
[1] LAYER ONE is for "short-term" memory. If there is no
repetition, then your short-term memory will be unreliable. Short-term memory is useful for many routine daily activities such as making phone calls or following directions immediately after they are given. It is used for activities that you don't need to remember very long.
[2] LAYER TWO is for slightly longer retention. If there is
some repetition, then there is longer retention. The repetition of the information forces it from Layer One to Layer Two in the distributed memory tissue of your brain. This level of information is not very reliable.
[3] LAYER THREE represents fairly good retention. If you repeat the information several times and write it down, since the act of writing itself
creates a "visual image" for your mind to remember. You will have forced
that information into Layer Three memory. Your muscles help you "remember" as you write, and your mind "sees" the information on paper again and takes another "picture" of it to re-store or "consolidate" it in your mind or memory.
This provides much longer retention of information than the first two layers of
your memory.
[4] LAYER FOUR long-term memory is used when you "force" the information that you want to remember into your mind by repeatedly thinking and repeatedly writing down the information several times over a period of several days (three to six days). Your conscious choice to imagine or repeatedly visualize what you want to remember provides excellent retention. Retention and consolidation of memories is best done by this simple kind of sensory immersion.
In addition, by using short and rhythmical sentences to "package" the new ideas or concepts you want to learn, you can remember them more easily.
By creating new interesting "associations" among the facts or words that you want to learn and by applying the planned repetition exercise of your brain --- in a relaxed calm study environment --- you can “lock” the material into your long-term memory more efficiently.
Book source: (How to Study in High School)
You can achieve a "knowledge based" education by doing critical thinking and reasoning, which includes: (p1)
1. Development of skepticism about explanations and conclusions
2. The ability to inquire about causes and effects
3. Refinement of curiosity about behavior
4. Knowledge of research methods
5. The ability to critically analyze arguments
Eight features of critical thinking and reasoning include the following items:
(1) Be skeptical
(2) Examine definitions of terms
(3) Examine the assumptions or premises of arguments
(4) Be cautious in drawing conclusions from evidence
(5) Consider alternative interpretations of research evidence
(6) Do not oversimplify
(7) Do not overgeneralize
(8) Apply critical thinking and reasoning to all areas of life
Book source: (Thinking and Writing about Psychology)
Accelerated learning is based on the scientific discoveries of HOW the human brain works and HOW the memory works. How can "FACTS" be rapidly and deeply fixed in your memory? Accelerated learning works by setting up memorable visual and aural "associations" in your mind that are simultaneously absorbed
by both the "conscious" and "unconscious" parts of your brain!
In the past, learning was based on the idea that determined concentration and frequent repetition was essential. Now science has proven that such learning is inefficient because it causes unnecessary tension and it tends to involve just one half of your brain. Instead, accelerated learning is based on the idea that more efficient learning can be achieved in a pleasantly relaxed receptive state of mind when information is presented in new ways that actively involve both the "left" and "right" sides of your brain!
The amazing result and paradox is that a learner puts in no more conscious effort than normal, since the learner is relaxed. Also, when facts are contained in sentences that are short and rhythmical, they can be more easily remembered. The new information is thus "positioned" so it can be absorbed in the "peripheral vision" of your mind (your "whole brain").
This accelerated learning process creates new interesting associations among the "FACTS" you want to learn because of a sophisticated form of creative "planned repetition." This deliberate conscious exercise of your brain "LOCKS" the new information into your long-term memory resources. Thus, for efficient and fulfilling learning, you must THINK this way--- planned repetition, planned repetition, planned repetition!
In summary, you can accelerate your learning by creating a pleasant, relaxed receptive state of mind and by categorizing or "chunking" new information that you want to learn in new ways, which actively involve both the left and right sides of your brain!
Book Source: (Accelerated Learning)
1) Instant thinking --- through three steps to "power thinking"
[1] Thinking logically
[2] Thinking inductively
[3] Thinking deductively
2) Applying what you think
[1] Using the "six modes" of thinking --- using ALL SIX MODES of thinking --- You can sextuple your brain power by having you think about the situation from each of the following viewpoints:
(1) Thinking OBJECTIVELY --- this way of thinking logically scrutinezes ALL facts,
figures, and other objective information available about your situation
(2) Thinking CRITICALLY --- this way of thinking examines a situation carefully, looking for every possible problem, downside, drawback, and negative consequence that could be associated with your situation
(3) Thinking POSITIVELY --- this way of thinking views a situation from a positive viewpoint and searches ONLY for possibilities, solutions, opportunities, pluses, and benefits
(4) Thinking CREATIVELY --- thinking creatively projects creative solutions, combinations, and ideas that might better your situation
(5) Thinking INTUITIVELY --- thinking intuitively tries to tune in with the DEEPER reactions to a situation such as your "gut feelings," the language of the heart, emotional nuances, hunches, and any other signals from your unsconscious
(6) Thinking about the MODES --- thinking about the "modes of thinking" monitors your own thinking and feeling about a situation and how they might color, distort, or affect your THINKING about that situation!
[2] Using the "nine maxims" of creative thinking to MAXIMIZE your THINKING POWER! (p201-204)
(1) Get ALL the data --- BEFORE you decide on an answer!
Before you can generate a "valid solution" or a new approach or a theory, DROP ALL PRECONCEPTIONS and first GATHER ALL THE DATA you possibly can.
Without these data, you will NOT have the mental capacity to develop your thinking process, and your preconceptions can prevent you from seeing important facts and relationships.
(2) Classify --- and invent new classifications!
Creating your own categories and classifications helps you SEE connections! This leads you to make "generalizations" about the relevant things you are concentrating on.
(3) Generalize --- generalize --- generalize!
Generalizations help you generate new insights, ideas, and solutions. There significance is that they set you thinking! At this stage it is NOTso important whether you are right or wrong.
(4) Explain --- explain --- explain!
You truly "know" something ONLY when you understand it!
And you understand it ONLY when you can explain it to yourself in your own words. When you try to explain a situation or a dilemma, the process of thinking itself "hot-wires" your mind and gets your thinking process working.
(5) Pretend that you do NOT understand anything and question everything!
Look for things that don't make sense to you since the key to thinking is paying attention to what you do NOT understand, namely, the anomalies of life.
(6) Apply what you have learned before!
Often unrelated things you already know will help spark insights and inspirations!
(7) Reject the "standard" wisdom!
Question "current explanations" since they might be limiting your awareness.
(8) Let your thoughts wander!
Daydreaming and mind wandering can result in fresh insights and solutions! Flitting from thought to thought is still thinking.
(9) Give yourself permission to fail!
1. The path to success is littered with failure!
2. Expect to fail, embrace failure, welcome failure!
3. Consider each idea that does NOT work to be a step that carries you closer to the answer you are seeking.
This assumption will give you the FREEDOM TO TAKE A CHANCE since you will NOT hold back for FEAR OF FAILING!
Book Source: (Double Your Brain Power)
Good clear writing is "thinking on paper!"
Regardless of the words you choose to name it, the reasoning part of the process of writing (the "critical thinking" or "rational inquiry" or "reasoning for discovery") is still THINKING that is directed toward the assessment and evaluation of things...
In summary, thinking is analysis and it can be done either well or badly when you are reading!
Book Source: (Thinking on Paper)
Understand the value of "good thinking" --- which is a different way to think!
1) Changing from negative to positive thinking is not always easy, especially if you have a difficult time with change. For some, it is a life-long struggle. Most people's NUMBER ONE CHALLENGE regarding making positive personal changes is their FEELINGS!
They may want to change, but they do not know how to get past their emotions! But there is a way to do it. Take a look at the TRUTH contained in the following syllogism:
MAJOR PREMISE = I can control my thoughts.
MINOR PREMISE = My feelings come from my thoughts.
CONCLUSION = I can control my feelings by controlling my thoughts!
[1] Good thinking increases your potential
[2] Good thinking produces more good thinking --- IF YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN!
This book does not try to tell you WHAT TO THINK --- but the book does attempt to teach you HOW TO THINK!
[3] You can learn to develop each of these ELEVEN KINDS OF THINKING and become a master thinker --- so your life will change the way you want it to!
Advice from a good thinker --- THINKING QUESTION: Do I believe that good thinking can change my life?
2) Realize the impact of "changed thinking"
3) Master the process of "intentional thinking"
SKILL 1 --- Seeing the wisdom of "big picture" thinking
SKILL 2 --- Unleashing the potential of "focused" thinking
SKILL 3 --- Discovering the joy of "creative" thinking
SKILL 4 --- Recognizing the importance of "realistic" thinking
SKILL 5 --- Releasing the power of "strategic" thinking
SKILL 6 --- Feeling the energy of "possibility" thinking
SKILL 7 --- Embracing the lessons of "reflective" thinking
SKILL 8 --- Questioning the acceptance of "popular" thinking
SKILL 9 --- Encouraging the participation of "shared" thinking
SKILL 10 --- Experiencing the satisfaction of "unselfish" thinking
SKILL 11 --- Enjoying the return of "bottom-line" thinking
This book does not try to tell you WHAT TO THINK --- but it does attempt to teach you HOW TO THINK!
Book Source: Thinking for a Change
You can boost your brainpower and manage your mood by:
You can become an optimist!
[1] Rewrite your "internal script"
[2] Change your "self-talk"
[3] Analyze your setbacks --- rationally
[4] Get some perspective
[5] Find the "silver lining"
[6] Move from "destructive to constructive" relationships
[7] Practice "positivity"
2) USING POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY --- to improve your frame of mind
You can try the following SEVEN WAYS to catch happiness!
[1] Shun materialism
[2] Pursue volunteerism
[3] Be grateful
[4] Forgive others
[5] Stop viewing yourself as a victim
[6] Cultivate positive emotions
[7] Pursue happiness activities
Book Source: (20/20 Thinking)
1) An Overview of "Strategic Thinking Skills"
[1] Foundation skills = INSIGHT (strategic thinking) + SENSITIVITY (culture building)
[2] Adaptive skills = VERSATILITY (strategic thinking) + FOCUS (culture building)
[3] Integrative skills = VISION (strategic thinking) + PATIENCE (culture building)
2) Becoming a "STRATEGIC THINKER" --- Strategic thinking viewpoints
[1] Satisfying customer needs!
[2] Sustaining competitive advantage
[3] Capitalizing on organizational strengths
3) Becoming a "CULTURE BUILDER" with a culture awareness checklist
[1] Commitment to a common purpose
[2] Competence to deliver superior performance
[3] Consistency in perpetuating commitment and competence
Book Source: (Creating Excellence)
This book is for people who want to think about the big themes --- Knowledge, Reason, Truth, Mind, Freedom, Destiny, Identity, God, Goodness, and Justice. These are the ideas that men and women wonder about naturally, for they structure the ways we think about the world and our place in it.
The word "philosophy" carries unfortunate connotations --- impractical, unworldly, weird. Therefore, the words "conceptual engineering!" are preferable for describing what philosophers do. For just as the engineer studies the structure of material things, so philosophers study the structure of thought.
Understanding the structure of thought involves seeing how parts function and how they interconnect. Philosophy means knowing what would happen for better or worse if changes were made. This is our purpose when we investigate the structures that shape our view of the world.
Our concepts or ideas form the "mental housing" in which we live. But, before we change our behavior, we have to know what our major ideas are in the first place!
This book is "self-standing" since the ideas are self-explanatory and do not need other books to comprehend them. After reading this book, you will be able to read anything with a "prepared mind."
[1] What are we to think about?
[2] What is the point?
It is because of ideas about what others are like, or who we are, or what our interests or rights require, that we go to war, or oppress others with a good conscience, or even sometimes acquiesce in our own oppression by others!
When these IDEAS or BELIEFS involve the sleep of reason (emotional disconnect), "critical awakening" is the antidote for survival!
REFLECTION enables you to step back and to see your perspective on a situation as perhaps distorted or blind. At the very least, you can see if there is an ARGUMENT (reasons) for preferring your ways, or whether your ways are simply subjective!
Doing this analysis (reflection) properly is doing one more piece of conceptual engineering.
Historically, reflection can be seen as dangerous. There are always thoughts that stand OPPOSED TO REFLECTION. Many people are uncomfortable, or even outraged, by philosophical questions. They are fearful that their ideas may not stand up as well as they would like if they start to think about them. Thus they are easily swayed by the "politics of identity" which is identification with a particular cult or group. Since reflection opens the door to criticism, and cult or group traditional folkways or customs are not compatible with criticism, ideologies become closed circles...
They are primed to feel outraged by the questioning mind. For the last approximately 2500 years the philosophical tradition has been the enemy of "politics as usual" or the "politically acceptable" cozy complacency of closed minds.
The professors of philosophy have insisted that the "unexamined life" is not worth living! They have insisted on the POWER OF RATIONAL REFLECTION to discover the BEST IDEAS for survival and living the GOOD LIFE.
Philosophy has identified critical self-reflection with FREEDOM, the idea being that only when we can see ourselves properly can we obtain control over the direction in which we would want to move. It is only when we can see our situation steadily and see it whole that we can start to think what to do about it.
Imagination abandoned by reason produces impossible "monsters" but united with reason IMAGINATION IS THE SOURCE of all artistic wonders in the world! (Goya transliteration).
Book Source: (Think --- a Compelling Introduction to Philosophy)
Return to Essay-Set #1:
Focus on the Self-Liberation Philosophy
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