LIFETIME LEGAL GUIDE by Steven Mitchell Sack. Book-of-the-Month Club, 1996


      Each citizen has the same rights and obligations as any other, and federal, state, and local governments may not favor one group of people or an individual over another on the basis of age, color, race, national origin, or sex.

      The right to equal protection applies to all areas, including employment, education, and public accommodations and housing. For example, private employers typically with more than several workers, labor unions, state and local government agencies, and employment agencies are prohibited from:

        Denying promotions, transfers, or assignments on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or age --- is FORBIDDEN! (p84-86)

      If you have been treated unfairly on the job, react qauickly and correctly to protect your rights. Speak to a competent attorney or a representative from an agency empowered to investigate a claim, such as the EEOC or your state's Commission on Human Rights, as soon as possible.

      Time is of the essence, since in most situations complaints must be filed within 300 days of the alleged illegal act or within ninety days in federal court after you receive a decision from the state's Commission on Human Rights, to avoid expiration of the statute of limitations.

      If you are protesting illegal activity but have not been fired, no one can stop you from filing a complaint! The law forbids employers from threatening reprisals or retaliation. To increase the chances of winning a case:

        (1) If you receive an unfavorable performance evaluation or warning that is subjectively tainted, submit a written response that documents why the appraisal or warning is incorrect.

        (2) This will document the protest and may prove that you did not acquiesce through silence or inaction to the employer's version of the facts!

    INDEX (p199-306)

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