This Brainpower Mindset Category is about personal and organizational self-impowerment. You can print the Power Mindmap Note Form to summarize factual ideas that you like from any of the book outlines or abstracts. Also, you can document your most serious and complex current thoughts and feelings as you make "choices" concerning the basic categories or ideas in the outlines and abstracts.
You can print a copy of the Blank Oval Mindmap Note Form and save it for a permanent graphic reminder of the fact that all of the "idea-branches" which you draw on it represent the meanings that you associate with the Power Category in your life now as you seek self-liberation. The printout can be modified any time you have good reasons or an intuitive insight. The diagram needs to be changed to reflect a more accurate depiction of your possibilities in the changing real world:
The memory enhancement skill of "mindmapping" makes it possible for you to put your ideas and information into "visual patterns." These patterns of coherent thought can help you think more clearly about important ideas and then organize your goals and plans more completely. They give you an objective pattern of your "subjective" perceptions. The printouts document the way your brain works in relation to whatever idea, goal or plan you are thinking about. If you read more scientific information and think better thoughts about your self and mind, you can rapidly improve your understanding of your "self" and the world you live in.
The mindmaps can help you organize concepts and measure the degree to which they are based upon positive and life-affirming factual scientific ideas. Each mindmap that you make is a record of the fact that both of your brain's hemispheres (both left and right sides) were engaged in the thinking/valuing process and interacting successfully. By using the unique "memory mindmaps" and "idea templates" on this website to focus your attention and concentrate your time and energy, you will create your own Brainpower Mindset of factual scientific ideas that can be your lasting treasure as you pursue happiness and cope with problems on your way to continuous successful solutions.
You can understand the new factual scientific ideas about how your brain's anatomical structure makes possible your own wonderful brainpower. You can quickly increase your mastery of the Brainpower Mindset, which includes learning how to use the six "smart skill sets," for doing accurate self-analysis and gaining optimum self-control over your mind and body.
The nature of your SELF is such that you must continue evolving or adapting to nature and your cultural group throughout your entire lifetime.
The best way to apply your new Broadband Brainpower Mindset knowledge to study the following factual ideas of experts. The scientific ideas can guide your self-analysis. If you can imagine the researchers and writers as your "personal mentors," then you can use their objective factual ideas to train your brain to protect you from the ANTs or "Automatic Negative Thoughts" that are likely to be crawling around inside your brain's "distributed memory" resources.
The cumulative impact over many years of your ANTs is the creation of your own negative "self-critic." Your self-critic consists of the negative thoughts from your past which are stored in your long-term memory resources and which must be confronted before they can be banished from your "mind" forever. Your mind is simply the higher thinking and feeling parts of your brain that you are conscious of as you do self-analysis and seek self-control on your lifetime journey of self-liberation from negative cultural values and your own self-imposed learned negative automatic thoughts which can scramble your feelings.
You can achieve maximum value or self-worth in your life by simply recognizing the profound truth that you exist with an amazing brain that can be understood!
Also you need to be aware of the fact that you can use your own brain to help you achieve your own unique meaningful existence and determine your own values and goals for the future by yourself with just a little coaching and counseling, if you have developed some bad thinking habits in your youth.
Maslow's Needs-Skills Motivational Chart
Click on either the motivation triangle image or the following link to see a summary of Maslow's "needs-hierarchy" motivational skills theory:
If we want to really TRANSFORM our structure and leadership, we have to CHANGE the thinking behind our thinking!
Review of chapter assumptions:
The real goal = Improving the performance of the organization!
Appraisal as a rating tool --- Fair or Foul?
What to do instead = FIVE FUNCTIONS of annual appraisal examinations:
FUNCTION 1 --- Coaching employees in the new workplace
FUNCTION 2 --- Feedback that makes a difference)
FUNCTION 3 --- How do we pay people without appraisals?
FUNCTION 4 --- Promote and provide interesting work
(1) Give employees freedom and choices in their work!
(2) Offer employees challenges!
FUNCTION 5 --- Create a climate of people working together
CONCLUSION = The dynamics of people, money and motivation are too complex to fully understand. However, if your organization takes time to clarify what it is trying to achieve and builds from healthy underlying assumptions, it can create more effective compensation practices and a positive work environment!
Each citizen has the same rights and obligations as any other, and federal, state, and local governments may not favor one group of people or an individual over another on the basis of age, color, race, national origin, or sex.
State and local government agencies, and employment agencies are prohibited from:
Denying promotions, transfers, or assignments on the basis of race, color,
national origin, sex, or age --- is! FORBIDDEN!
If you are protesting illegal activity but have not been fired, no one can stop you from filing a complaint! The law forbids employers from threatening reprisals or retaliation.
To increase the chances of winning a case:
(1) If you receive an unfavorable performance evaluation or warning that is subjectively tainted, submit a written response that documents why the appraisal or warning is incorrect.
(2) This will document the protest and may prove that you did not acquiesce through silence or inaction to the employer's version of the facts!