by John Vasconcellos, Impact Publishers, 1979

    PREFACE (vii-xii)

      Since 1966 the author, who is a California legislator, has been subsidized by the citizens of California to work full-time, wondering about his constituents, who they are as a people, and where they are going. This book is his report back to all Californians of what he has seen and learned, especially how he has learned to see -- especially the role of "positive self-esteem" in the lives of successful children and adults.

      The title of this book draws attention to the significance of "vision," which he has defined as "A way of looking at everything, a way of seeing." This absolute assumption means that it is through our VISION of ourselves and our world, that each of us makes sense of our lives and times, and chooses how we shall live and act.

      That "grand vision" warrants liberation. Together, these assumptions indicate the active character of vision. They are intended to cause the reader, as well as the author, to confront his or her own personal basic belief systems.

      This "humanistic belief system" involves your own assumptions about your self, your human nature and potential, and your individual responsibility for liberating your self.

    INTRODUCTION --- Preview of coming attractions (p1-5)

    PART 1 --- BACKGROUND --- Personal sketches (p7-39)

    PART 2 --- SCENE --- Society in crisis (p41-112)

    PART 3 --- INSIGHT --- Liberating ourselves (p111-149)

    PART 4 --- VISION --- An inescapable choice (p149-193)

    PART 5 --- ACTION --- For growing humans (p193-264)

    PART 6 --- POLITICS --- For growing humans (p265-367)

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