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    You can print the Feelings Mindmap Note Form to summarize factual ideas that you like from any of the book outlines or abstracts. Also, you can document your most serious and complex current thoughts and feelings as you make choices concerning the basic categories or the many concepts that form the context of the ideas in the book outlines and abstracts for this Feelings Category.

    Feelings Mindmap Note Form

    You can print a copy of the Blank Oval Mindmap Note Form and save it for a permanent graphic reminder of the fact that all the idea-branches you draw on it represent the meanings that you associate with the Feelings Category in your life now and your quest for self-creation and self-awareness. The printout can be modified at any time you have good reasons or an intuitive insight that the diagram needs to be changed to reflect a more accurate depiction of your possibilities in the changing real world.

    Oval Mindmap Note Form

    The memory enhancement skill of "mindmapping" makes it possible for you to put your ideas and information into visual patterns. These patterns of coherent thought can help you think clearly about important ideas and organize your goals and plans. They give you an objective pattern of your "subjective" perceptions. The printouts document the way your brain works in relation to whatever idea, goal or plan you are thinking about. If you read more scientific information and think better thoughts about your self and mind, you can rapidly improve your understanding of your "self" and the world you live in.

    The mindmaps can help you organize concepts and measure the degree to which they are based upon positive and life-affirming factual scientific ideas. Each mindmap that you make is a record of the fact that both of your brain's hemispheres (both left and right sides) were engaged in the thinking/valuing process and interacting successfully. By using the unique "memory mindmaps" and "idea templates" on this website to focus your attention and concentrate your time and energy, you will create your own "brainpower mindset" of factual scientific ideas that can be your lasting treasure as you pursue happiness and cope with problems on your way to continuous successful solutions.


    You can begin to focus your feelings around these key assumptions (= philosphical absolute presuppositions). These are the three "givens:" (1) You can understand the new brain science facts and ideas about how your brain's anatomical structure and memory system together make possible your own wonderful brainpower. (2) You can quickly increase your mastery of the Brainpower Mindset, which includes learning how to use the Five Smart Skill Sets, for doing accurate "self-analysis" and gaining optimum "self-control" over your thoughts and feelings. (3) Self-control gives you the ability to achieve self-liberation, which in turn gives you the ability to set goals, make plans, and then make decisions based upon your own knowledge and unique personal ethical values. (4) Happiness is best understood as an enormously satisfying emotion that you strive to share with others each day, since you already possess it --- if you have a healthy brain!

    What is real happiness? Also, why do we have such a strong urge or instinct to pursue happiness? Many books have been published in the past few years that provide tremendous perspectives for understanding what authentic happiness is and what it is not. The following link contains a long list of scholarly books that explain the scientific perspective regarding the significance of your brain in determining everything important in your life:

    Website Source
    List of Happiness and Satisfaction Book Outlines

    Science is showing us that it is not your particular circumstances that define whether you are happy so much as your attitude towards life. The latest psychological studies have determined what makes people happy or unhappy.This assumption can change your feelings toward your own well-being. In addition, it can change your ideas about how you will want to live the rest of your life, or what you will be doing --- if you have the opportunity to make career changes or enhance change your educational pursuits.

    What is "Emotional Literacy?"

      Emotional Literacy consists of three abilities:

        (1) The ability to understand your emotions...
        (2) The ability to empathize with the emotions of others...
        (3) The ability to express your emotions in a productive way...

      What is "Emotional Literacy Training?"

        Emotional Literacy Training consists of guided learning exercises which can give you the information you need to express your feelings in better ways. It can maximize your personal power and improve the quality of your life and your relationships with others.

        Your Emotional Quotient or Emotional Intelligence can be improved through training. A major "emotional skill" that can be learned is the postponement of gratification.

          (1) Knowing your own feelings...
          (2) Having a sense of empathy for other people's feelings...
          (3) Repairing "emotional damage"...
          (4) Learning to manage your own emotions...

        The promise of Emotional Literacy Training is that you will learn "empathy skills" or "emotional skills" and how you can take responsibility for the way you express your most important feelings to others! Thus, you can become better at everything you do, whether it is:

          (1) Parenting
          (2) Partnering
          (3) Working
          (4) Playing
          (5) Teaching
          (6) Loving

      Becoming aware of your emotions:

        QUESTION --- Why do "smart people" act in emotionally stupid ways?

        ANSWER --- Because they have "lost touch" with their own feelings!

Tape Source #1: (Achieving Emotional Literacy)

    How is your "emotional energy"?

    1) Hell with other people's expectations!

      [1] Too much to live up to

      [2] You made the jail, and you hold the key!

        EMOTIONAL ENERGY BOOSTER # 1 --- Stop buying into someone else's expectations for you

      [3] The gift of freedom

      [4] Setting yourself free

    2) Giving yourself a life filled with meaning

      [1] The meaning of your life cannot be taken for granted

      [2] You are in charge of the meaning of your life!

      [3] How to give your life meaning

        EMOTIONAL ENERGY BOOSTER # 2 --- Take responsibility for finding meaning in your life


          [1] The battle for emotional energy

    3) Prayers that really work

      EMOTIONAL ENERGY BOOSTER # 3 --- When you pray, have a real dialogue with God and talk to Him about the ways in which you would like to be a better person!

        [1] Why active prayer works

    4) "I did it my way!"

      EMOTIONAL ENERGY BOOSTER # 4 --- Whenever you hit a pocket of freedom and make good use of it, you will feel like a kid let out of school on a warm spring afternoon. The more pockets of freedom you take advantage of, the more energy you will have


    5) See yourself having emotional energy

      EMOTIONAL ENERGY BOOSTER # 5--- Give yourself energy by visualizing yourself having emotional energy

    6) Do something really new!

      EMOTIONAL ENERGY BOOSTER # 6 --- Do something new

      Doing something new is the catalyst. It does not really matter what you do that is new, and it does not have to be something big , since doing something big can be scary and difficult.

      The key is this --- If you would not ordinarily do it, it is new enough for you. New things give big hits of emotional energy fast.


          See yourself having emotional energy

          Ten "first-aid" remedies that work to stop your "emotional energy crashes"

    7) What are you looking forward to? --- Emotional Energy Booster #7

      EMOTIONAL ENERGY BOOSTER # 7 --- Always have something special to look forward to

    8) Why should a barrel full of monkeys have more fun than you?


    9) Don't get stuck with your losses

    10) Envy is poison

    11) Guilt is stupid


    12) Keep your flywheel spinning

    13) If you do not get help, you are doing it wrong

    14) Bring something beautiful into your life

    25) The more you give, the more you get --- Emotional energy booster #25

      EMOTIONAL ENERGY BOOSTER # 25 --- The most magical way to get emotional energy is by showing your love for the world --- one person at a time, one patch of ground at a time

        [1] The magic of giving

        [2] How to get energy by giving love

    Book Source: (Emotional Energy Factor)

    This book rejects the idea of "mind-and-body" separatism and the relinquishing of total responsibility for one's well-being to society's caretakers.

    This book teaches an in-depth knowledge of the complex workings of your "human response system" and the empirically derrived principles of behavior that direct it to change in an adaptive manner. The book advocates an assertive strategy for coping with the problems of living!

    Knowledge of the results of one's own human responses and the use of the scientific data or verifiable feedback is critical to effective personal functioning.

    You can integrate and utilize the concepts of feedback, self-regulation, and self-control at a practical level. You can become acutely aware of the abundance of information that you receive from your human response system.

    You can become aware of the difference between healthy and unhealthy responses to stressful situations. You can use the ideas of "feedback" and "reinforcement" to maximize the positive results of your "habit change" efforts for self-regulation and the control of your critical human responses that actually determine your daily moods and feelings of well-being.

    You can strive towards a self-determined strategy for living happily, effectively, with a minimum amount of emotional disturbance. You can be responsible for monitoring, evaluating, and altering the functioning of your "human response system."
Book Source:
From Panic to Power ---
the Positive Use of Stress

A new approach to performance evaluation in the workplace is to focus attention on both the employee's and the supervisor's Emotional Intelligence ("E.I.") or Emotional Quotient ("E.Q.") as an essential element of successful performance. The same principles are involved in evaluating your own "performance" as a good person with an inquiring mind who is seeking genuine self-liberation and continuous happiness.

    1) Emotional Intelligence ("E. I." or "E.Q.") is the behavior of employees who are:

      (1) Independent --- Each makes a unique contribution to job performance.

      (2) Interdependent --- Each draws to some extent on certain others, with many strong interactions.

      (3) Hierarchical --- The Emotional Intelligence capacities build upon one another. For example, self-awareness is crucial for self-regulation and empathy; self-regulation and self-awareness contribute to motivation; all the first four are at work in "social skills!"

      (4) Necessary, but not sufficient --- Having an underlying emotional intelligence ability does not guarantee people will develop or display the associated competencies, such as collaboration or leadership. Factors such as the climate of an organization or a person's interest in his
      or her job will also determine whether the competence manifests itself.

      (5) Generic --- This general list is to various extents applicable to all jobs. However, different jobs make differing competence demands.

    2) "Emotionally Intelligent Organizations:"

      (1) All organizations have an "intelligence" of sorts, just as do the groups and teams within it! Intelligence is the capacity to solve problems, meet challenges, or create valued products. In this sense, "organizational intelligence" represents that capacity as it emerges from the complex interplay of people and relationships, culture and roles within your organization.

      (2) All organizations are "cybernetic," which is being engaged in continuous and overlapping feedback loops. These "feedback loops" gather information from within and without and adjusts operations accordingly. Systems theory assumes that in an organizational environment of turbulent change and competition, the organization that can take in information most widely, learn from it most thoroughly, and respond most nimbly, creatively, and flexibly will be the most adaptive.

      (3) This principle applies to all organizations, big and small. It points to the crucial role of information flow throughout the organization in determining its viability, which is its Intellectual Capital.

        Intellectual capital is the sum of what everybody in the organization knows and knows how to do! It is what gives your organization its competitive edge or motivation and drive to succeed in its mission!

      (4) The basic business practices found by the Saratoga Institute, in a study of 600 businesses regarding the characteristics of outstanding companies, were these eight common characteristics of Emotionally Intelligent organizations:

        1. A balance between the human and financial sides of the company's agenda

        2. Organizational commitment to a basic strategy

        3. Initiative to stimulate improvements in performance

        4. Open communication and trust-building with all stakeholders

        5. Building relationships inside and outside that offer competitive advantage

        6. Collaboration, support, and sharing resources

        7. Innovation, risk taking, and learning together

        8. A passion for competition and continual improvement

    3) The "ECONOMICS" of collaboration --- one for all:

      (1) A need to achieve

      (2) Building with integrity

      (3) The "cardinal sin"

      (4) When help is wanted

      (5) A human radar:

        1. Buidling working relationships --- Being a team player; having self-confidence, presence, and style; being empathic and a good listener; having the ability to sell an idea; maturity and integrity.

        2. Getting things done --- Being a self-starter, with drive, energy, and a sense of urgency that gets results; showing judgment and common sense; being independent, entrepreneurial, and imaginative; having leadership potential.

        3. Personal fit --- Having the qualities of a friend, colleague, and partner; being honest and adhering to one's values; being motivated; being sociable, with "sparkle" and a sense of humor; modesty; having a full personal life and outside interests; understanding the firm and its values.

Book Source: (Working with Emotional Intelligence)


Book Source: (Emotional Intelligence at Work)


    Listening and assertion are the "yin" and "yang" of communication. They are very different but complementary and interdependent parts of relationships. Just as there are skills for developing one's ability at listening, so there are skills for increasing one's assertiveness.

    Each individual has a personal space which needs defending. Likewise, you have a psychological need to impact on others and the world. Assertiveness training teaches constructive methods of defending one's space and impacting on others.

    One way of understanding assertion is to see it in contrast with submission and aggression. There are payoffs and penalties for each of those ways of relating. A primary goal of "assertion training" is to enable people to take charge of their own lives!

    Authentic assertiveness helps employees avoid repeating dysfuctional and stereotyped behaviors so that they make a fitting response in the situation in which they find themselves.

    Impacting with the "Submissive-Assertion-Aggression" continuum:

      (1) Submissive behaviors

      (2) Agressive behaviors

      (3) Assertive behaviors

      (4) The swing to the opposite style

      (5) Placing yourself on the "continuum"

      6) Payoffs and penalties of three ways of relating

      (7) Choose for yourself!

    Book Source: (People Skills)

    Taking the varied kinds of emotion in consideration, a working hypothesis of "emotion-proper" can be created in the form of a definition:

      (1) An "emotion-proper," such as happiness, sadness, embarrassment, or sympathy, is a complex collection of chemicals and neural responses forming a distinctive pattern!

      (2) The responses are produced by the "normal brain" when it detects an "emotionally competent stimulus" --- an "ECS," the object or event whose presence, actual or in mental recall, triggers the emotion. The responses are automatic.

      (3) The brain is prepared by evolution to respond to certain ECSs with specific repertoires of action. However, the list of ECSs is not confined to those prescribed by evolution, since it includes many others learned in a lifetime of experience.

      (4) The immediate result of these responses is a temporary change in the state of the body proper, and in the state of the brain structures that map the body and support thinking.

      (5) The ultimate result of the responses, directly or indirectly, is the placement of the organism in circumstances conducive to survival and well-being!

    The classic components of an emotional reaction are encompassed by this definition, although the separation of the phases of the process and the weight accorded to those phases may appear unconventional.

Book Source: (Looking for Spinoza)


      Understanding the concept of self-esteem is an essential part of effective "goal control"

      An attitude of HIGH SELF-ESTEEM coupled with HIGH SELF-CONFIDENCE can significantly change your ability to achieve your personal and work goals. And such a positive attitude makes you "feel fulfilled" as you organize your tasks around your "signature values" simply because it's an empowering experience.

      Your need to seek a personal and work environment where there is room for a substantial amount of playfullness. That kind of environment is empowering, since it requires that your home or workplace needs to be inhabited by the kind of people who will respect both your personal and professional values.

    Book Source: (A Liberating Vision)


    Book Source: (Emotional Freedom)


Book Source: (Emotional Freedom)

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