PURPOSE = To facilitate your immersion in the facts and ideas in the list of sources contained in the
      Achievement Category Abstracts in order to facilitate your successful Achievement of Self-Liberation!
    Mindmaps give you an objective pattern of your subjective perceptions. The printouts document the way your brain works in relation to whatever idea, goal or plan you are thinking about. If you read more scientific information and think better thoughts about your self and mind, you can rapidly improve your understanding of your SELF and the world you live in.

    You can understand the new factual scientific ideas about how your brain's anatomical structure makes possible your own wonderful brainpower, when you increase your mastery of the Broadband Brainpower Mindset of brain science facts and ideas. This concept includes learning how to use the Six Smart Skill Sets. Those skill-sets help you do accurate "self-analysis" so you can gain more "self-control" by leaning how your thoughts can control your feelings.

    Each mindmap that you make is a record of the factual idea that both of your brain's hemispheres (both left and right sides) are engaged together in the thinking/valuing process and interacting successfully. By using the unique "memory mindmaps" and "idea templates" on this website to focus your attention and concentrate your time and energy, you will be creating your own unique Broadband Brainpower Mindset of factual scientific ideas that can be your lasting treasure as you pursue happiness and cope with any problems on your way to successful solutions to those problems.

    To document and reinforce your own experience of freedom of choice now, you can WRITE something significant about the experience of achieving your goals by drawing some "idea-branches" in the above Achievement Mindmap Oval and save it for a permanent graphic reminder of the fact that the idea-branches represent the connections that you associate with each of them now. These ideas and their connecting thoughts and feelings reflect your values and assumptions at this moment in your life.

    Below the Achievement Mindmap Oval, you can write some affirmative statements and attempt to document a few Automatic Negative Thoughts ("ANTs"), which are probably lurking in your brain's memory resources. Also, your ANTs can cause you to doubt your new self-awareness.

    Your ANTs are the main enemy of your self-esteem. They must be controlled in order for you to mature along the path to complete self-liberation. You can print the image of this mindmap and save it for a permanent graphic reminder of the fact that all the idea-banches you draw on it represent the meanings you relate to the facts and ideas contained in the Achievement Category Abstracts list of information sources as you seek self-liberation.


    Also, you can print a copy of the following Blank Oval Mindmap Note Form and use it to draw the ideas and connections of meanings that you associate with the Achievement Training Abstracts category in your life now and during your quest for "self-creation" and your progress toward increased "self-awareness:"

    Blank Oval Mindmap Note Form

    The memory enhancement skill of "mindmapping" encourages you to put your ideas and information into notes or patterns of words. The patterns or diagrams reflect the true interactive relationships among your ideas while you consciously and zealously liquidate your "Automatic Negative Thoughts" or "ANTs" and carefully organize your positive thoughts into doable plans. ANTs can cause the ignorance, disorder and superstitious beliefs and general chaos in your stream of consciousness and memory. ANTs can distort your perception of the wonderful characteristics of true reality.

    You can choose to achieve a real understanding of how your brain works and accurately "visualize" your SELF so you can help others understand the true nature of reality better. But you must coordinate both sides of your brain to do it. You can modify your pattern of thoughts any time by simply printing out a new blank mindmap note form and changing the arrangement of idea branches to reflect your new perception of reality, based upon your new reasoning (left brain thoughts) or intuitive insights (right brain feelings). Also, you can expect resistance from your closest friends and relatives who will probably feel uncomfortable when you decide to change and become an advocate of real positive scientific humanistic assumptions about the nature of life on earth.

    You can print the image of this mindmap and save it for a permanent graphic reminder of the fact that all the "idea-branches" you draw on it represent the meanings you relate to the factual idea of the Achievement Category Abstracts in your life as you seek self-liberation.

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