By mastering the simple note-taking skills of the unique "Self-Mapping Note-Taking Skill-Set" process, you can empower yourself to rapidly achieve self-liberation because you will be using the full resources of your whole-brain.

    The note-taking skills are based on research results, which indicate that making "mind-maps" or "idea-maps" can facilitate your memory consolidation process. In this skill-set, the same diagraming process is focused directly on "self-mapping" in order to achieve maximum memorization of essential brain science facts and ideas.

    You can apply the "mind-mapping" or "idea-mapping" technique of diagraming the brain science facts and ideas to re-define your SELF. The memory enhancing self-mapping process is a wholesome way to balance your culture-based habits with your life-affirming core personal humanistic values, which should be the source of your creative goals and action plans during the decision-making process of your contemplation of living in the separate worlds of the present and the future!

    You can start by drawing an ellipse-shaped oval in the center of a blank piece of paper and writing the word "SELF" in the middle of it. Or, you can print out the Self-Map Note-Taking Form at the following link:

    Self Oval

    Self-Mapping Note Form

    If you use the self-mapping method of taking notes as you develop your Broadband Brainpower skills, you will be activating both hemispheres of your brain at the same time. This "whole-brain" visualization and documentation process can give you the thrill of integrating your thoughts and feelings together as you perceive the real world in all its glory with both the left and right sides of your brain at the same time!

    Next, you can draw straight lines radiating out from the edge of the "Self-Map" diagram.

    This self-mapping process of enhancing your memory is a visual note-taking memory process. It can help you break through the vexing confusions or "fog" created by ancient prejudices, superstitions, stereotypes, and chemical addictions in order to achieve your rational goals and action plans. The idea and name for "mind-maps" and the specific "rules" related to using them effectively were first developed by the creativity expert Tony Buzan, who also wrote the book whose outline summary is linked next:

    Book Source:
    Head First
    10 Ways to Tap into Your Natural Genius

    The ideas have been adapted by many motivation and business management experts as well as educators, where the word "idea" is sometimes substituted for "mind" and the process simplified for children:


    Book Source:
    Managing Your Mind

    Book Source:
    AHA! ---- Ten Ways to Free Your Creative Spirit

    Book Source:
    The Brain Book

    Book Source:
    101 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills Instantly!

    Book Source:
    The Thinker's Way

    The basic assumptions of the Smart Self-Mapping Note-Taking Skill-Set are simply called "self-mapping" on this website. They are a visual representation of the traditional outlining method of organizing thoughts by connecting main ideas and using brainstorming techniques of thinking outside initial constraints. Like allowing your SELF to think "outside the box."

    This focused visualization method of thinking emphasizes the documentation of all sorts of ideas with oval diagrams and connecting lines. The diagrams record the relationships of ideas in the "critical thinking" process by applying a criterion of rational logic based on the self-awareness of using conscious assumptions, expressed by declarative statements.

    In the book, The Thinker's Way, whose outline is linked above, the critical thinking expert, John Chaffee, has described the usefullness and versatility of using what he calls "mind maps" to generate ideas and represent the various relationships between them as a "visual adjunct" to brainstorming as follows: (p92-93)

      (1) You can begin your Mind-Map practice by writing your main subject in the center of a page, and then recording all the ideas that you can relate to this subject using connecting lines.

      (2) Let your mind run freely, following its normal activity of making associations. You should work as quickly as possible, and don't worry about the order or structure. Let the organization grow naturally, reflecting the way your mind naturally makes associations and organizes information.

      (3) Once completed, the way you organized your thoughts can be easily revised on the basis of new information and your evolving understanding.

    The "mind-mapping" process is a more powerful thinking tool than the conventional outline form of notetaking.

    Instead of writing down your ideas in a neat, sequential fashion, as you do when you make a classical outline, by using Roman Numerals and Capital Letters (such as I, II, III, and A, B, C and so on), the mindmapping process encourages you to put your ideas and opinions into a "visual patterns."

    The visual pattern reflects the logical relationships among your ideas and behaviors so you can efficiently create goals for achieving your plans associated with self-liberation.

    The mindmapping process is based on the assumption that you can "re-program" your brain and its memory resources to use your time and energy better both at home and at work with consistent practice. The mindmapping process of thinking is a way of re-attributing and re-aligning your feelings with objective factual ideas about reality instead of passively accepting the brainwashing of religious totalitarian dogmas.

    This "whole brain" perception of your "SELF" is one of the goals of the "breakout principle" for controlling your time and energy. This objective visualization or diagraming process can help you rapidly and easily balance your thoughts and feelings by rationally resolving internal and external conflicts.

    By using the "self-map" method of selecting goals together with the Self-Talk Motivational Skills" strategy in the context of the "breakout principle," you can clarify your values as you document the patterns of your thoughts and feelings.

    Once you are clear about the new brain science facts and ideas that you need to know about the relationship between your new "self-awareness" and your choices regarding your opportunities and possibilities for participating in the emerging culture of "global consumerism." This way of perceiving relevant choices of action can "liberate" you from ignorance of history, racial prejudices, religious superstitions, and chemical addictions more quickly --- one issue at a time.

    By choosing to use the mindmapping format to document your ideas about yourself, you can isolate and reinforce your ideas through sensory immersion. This mindmapping process combines all of your senses when you want to think more clearly about important issues in your life, it stimulates both sides of your brain at the same time.

    This unique mindmapping exercise can be used at the beginning of each of the twelve Brainpower Mindset Categories to quickly identify your best thinking about each of them.


    Mindmapping skills can help you document your awareness of your decisions to act upon your personal values when you are pursuing particular goals and plans. You can quickly and objectively analyze your thoughts and feelings by noticing how they are associated. Also, you will be able to evaluate your goals and plans over a period of time to see how your thoughts and feelings change regarding particular issues.

    The objectivity built into the mindmapping process will give you the opportunity to make decisive choices to neutralize past learned automatic negative thoughts or "ANTs" which can interfere with the accomplishment of your goals and plans for the future.

    The dangerous ANTs, which are always crawling around in your long-term memory resources, are major obstacles to creative thinking. You can and you must clear your memory of them in order to benefit from the new liberating factual ideas regarding the brainpower facts and self-leadership ideas on this website. You can with confidence learn to change your mental filing system and bring yourself up-to-date with recent scientific discoveries as you choose to take a practical commonsense view of reality.

    By choosing to use the mindmapping skills, you will give yourself the opportunity to activate both sides of your brain as you plan how you want to achieve your goals. You can create your own mindmaps about any idea or plan you choose:

      [1] Simply put any idea about any plan in the center of a blank piece of paper and draw a circle or ellipse around it. For practice, you can use the Self Mindmap Note Form at the above link or the Oval Self-Mapping Note Form at the following link to start your documented thinking process:

      Blank Oval

      Blank Oval Self-Mapping Note Form

      [2] As related ideas or necessary parts of the same idea come into your mind, you can write those key words on lines or branches that radiate outward at different angles away from your main idea.

      Omni Oval

      Self-Mapping Note Form With Branches

      [3] You can underline or vary the size of the words or use colors to highlight related ideas as you interpret and document your feelings associated with each of your many important ideas. This objective process illustrates the significance of the words that you use to reinforce the strongest connections among your ideas. Also, you can even number your ideas in order to show their priorities in your planning, if that is appropriate when you use the mindmapping note taking process to format your goals and plans.

      This process can help you decide when to move ideas from your "short-term memory" to your intermediate-range "working memory" and for eventual consolidation in your brain's "long-term memory" resources if that is your need. This predictable process can make your memories of your goals and plans more permanent in your brain's complex connections of billions of neurons and millions of neuronal networks.

      Any of your ideas or plans can become part of your brain tissue, and thus part of your body, through this complicated but predictable natural mental and emotional process.

      [4] In addition, you can connect related ideas, whether direct or indirect, with vector arrows that can be straight or curved. Then you can edit or correct your thoughts and feelings by documenting them with this graphic patterning of your thinking process.

      This process of documenting your ideas may seem too strange or simple to be helpful. However, your full brainpower cannot be unleashed to focus on any idea or plan until both parts of your amazing adaptive brain are aware of all your ideas and plans and their potential consequences in your life. This mindmapping method of "visualization" and the eventual "consolidation" in your brain's long-term memory resources. the relationships of ideas and plans can best be applied to more complicated problems that cannot be solved quickly with your intuition or reasoning abilities.

      [5] Thus the mindmapping thinking process is a miraculous thinking technique, which can give you the ability or power to make better choices. This thinking process can increase your self-esteem and self-empowerment in a predictable way. When you perceive all the related side-issue ideas of your plans and objectify them in your mindmap, you can more clearly "see" the big picture of the possible consequences of acting upon your ideas and plans in a particular sequence or time frame.

      Ignorance and the denial of reality allows superstitious and prejudicial thinking patterns to influence your values and to leave you vulnerable to an excessive reliance on quick-fix addictions and consumerism for comfort and pleasure. Nevertheless, the quality of your life can improve if you reach out to serve others in the best sense of the Golden Rule while you are learning more truthful knowledge about our wonderful planet Earth.

      [6] This self-monitored "idea documentation" process can reinforce any idea or plan you decide to analyze by locking it into your brain's long-term memory resources for further use at a later date.

    3. RESULTS

    As you expand your values, which define and reflect your philosophy of life, you will be better understood by others and with confidence can become a better leader in your community. If you apply the objective mindmapping technique of thinking to your ethical decisions, it can help you clarify your values and create a personality and lifestyle from which you will feel happier and more comfortanble forever.

    By overcoming your fears and challenging your doubts with true respect for the scientific method of creating new knowledge, you can create a new profound self-confidence. This new mindful "Self-Awareness" will increase your Self-Esteem and provide you with a new vision of yourself and your creative potential opportunities. With the practical self-liberation philosophical mindset, your new comprehensive knowledge base will empower you to repeatedly succeed at achieving your goals and plans as you experience more happiness during the rest of your lifetime!

    You can sample the twelve lists of abstracts related to the twelve Brainpower Mindset Categories of ideas related to Self-Liberation concepts by visiting the following twelve mindmaping links. You can print them out and use the forms to strengthen the sensory immersion process of thinking as you choose the Brainpower Philosophy of True Happiness and explore your own personal growth by learning to apply the six skill-sets that make "self-definition" and "self-control" possible and achievable:


    Go to #1: Achievement Mindmap Note Form

    Go to # 2: Change Mindmap Note Form

    Go to # 3: Creativity Mindmap Note Form

    Go to # 4: Feelings Mindmap Note Form

    Go to # 5: Leadership Mindmap Note Form

    Go to # 6: Motivation Mindmap Note Form

    Go to # 7: Performance Mindmap Note Form

    Go to # 8: Success Mindmap Note Form

    Go to # 9: Teamwork Mindmap Note Form

    Go to #10: Thoughts Mindmap Note Form

    Go to #11: Time/Energy Mindmap Note Form

    Go to #12: Values Mindmap Note Form

    You will be able to use your time wisely and feel more energized so you will be able to achieve your most important goals and plans with less distress and more authentic happiness and genuine success.

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Return to Essay-Set #5: Focus on Your Creative Change Strategy
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