To facilitate your immersion in the concept of the Time/Energy Category
and your successful achievement of self-liberation
2. 3.
2. 3. The memory enhancement skill of "mindmapping" encourages you to put your ideas and information into visual patterns. They patterns or diagrams reflect the true interactive relationships among your ideas while you consciously and vigilantly liquidate your "automatic negative thoughts" or ANTs. ANTs cause the ignorance, disorder and superstitious beliefs and general chaos in your stream of consciousness. They can distort your perception of the wonderful nature of true reality. You can choose to achieve a real understanding of how your brain works and accurately visualize your "self" so you can help others understand the true nature of reality better. But you must coordinate both sides of your brain to do it. Also, you can expect resistance from your closest friends and relatives who will probably feel uncomfortable when you decide to change and become an advocate of real positive scientific humanistic assumptions about the nature of life on earth. To experience freedom of choice now, write something significant about your how you think about your personal time and energy by drawing some "idea-branches" above the Time/Energy Mindmap Oval. Below the blank mindmap oval, write some affirmative statements and document a few ANTs, which are probably crawling around in your brain's memory resources causing you to doubt your new self-awareness. ANTs are the main enemy of your self-esteem. They must be controlled in order for you to mature along the path to self-liberation. |