You can print the Success Mindmap Note Form to summarize factual ideas that you like from any of the book outlines or abstracts. Also, you can document your most serious and complex current thoughts and feelings as you make choices concerning the basic categories or the many concepts that form the context of the ideas in the book outlines and abstracts for this Success Category.
You can print a copy of the Blank Oval Mindmap Note Form and save it for a permanent graphic reminder of the fact that all the "idea-branches" you draw on it represent the meanings that you associate with this keyword category in your life now and your quest for "self-creation" and "self-awareness." The printout can be modified at any time you have good reasons or an intuitive insight that the diagram needs to be changed to reflect a more accurate depiction of your possibilities in the changing real world.
The memory enhancement skill of "mindmapping" makes it possible for you to put your ideas and information into visual patterns. These patterns of coherent thought can help you think clearly about important ideas and organize your goals and plans. They give you an objective pattern of your "subjective" perceptions. The printouts document the way your brain works in relation to whatever idea, goal or plan you are thinking about. If you read more scientific information and think better thoughts about your self and mind, you can rapidly improve your understanding of your "self" and the world you live in.
The mindmaps can help you organize concepts and measure the degree to which they are based upon positive and life-affirming factual scientific ideas. Each mindmap that you make is a record of the fact that both of your brain's hemispheres (both left and right sides) were engaged in the thinking/valuing process and interacting successfully. By using the unique "memory mindmaps" and "idea templates" on this website to focus your attention and concentrate your time and energy, you will create your own Broadband Brainpower Mindset of factual scientific ideas that can be your lasting treasure as you pursue happiness and cope with problems on your way to continuous successful solutions.
You can understand the new brain science facts and ideas about how your brain's anatomical structure makes possible your own wonderful brainpower. You can quickly increase your mastery of the Broadband Brainpower Mindset, which includes learning how to use the six "Smart Skill-Sets" for doing accurate self-analysis and gaining optimum "self-control" over your mind and body.
The success you achieve personally and professionally will ultimately depend upon how well you can apply modern psychological principles to your relationships. Inevitably, your success will depend upon how good your "people skills" are. They have been widely researched and are now called "Emotional Intelligence" (E. I.) or "Emotional Quotient" (E.Q.). In addition, the latest ideas about social success is called "Social Intelligence" in the book by Daniel Goleman:
When your personal actions or professional values and work product are ully respected by your peers and supervisors and administrators, you will be empowered to participate in creating or inventing an exciting new future involving teamwork. All your future goals related to being successful can be based upon the concepts and factual scientific ideas you can discover on this website.
All you need is the willingness to change and the patience to allow Psycho-Cybernetics techniques to work.
(Note: You can answer the self-assessment questionnaires and fill in the worksheets before you read the whole book. You can take several hours to develop your "blueprint for change." The book has a mini-index to guide your review of the blueprint highlights.)
By using a pencil and paper to make notes and to reinforce and support your progress, you can begin to make the changes you want in your life by first describing them in writing:
1) Paradigms and Principles --- The "The Seven Habits" --- An Overview
2) Private Victory
HABIT 1 = Be Proactive (principles of personal vision)
HABIT 2 = Begin with the End in Mind (principles of personal leadership)
HABIT 3 = Put First Things First (principles of personal management)
Becoming a "Quadrant II Self-Manager" where people are more important than things!
It defines your unique mission including values and long-term goals. It helps you balance
your life by identifying roles. It gives you greater context through weekly organizing.
Quadrant II paradigm use 4th generation advances including being principle-centered
and conscience-directed.
This concept can help you apply the key to self-management of others through delegation.
The value is not in any extrinsic technique or tool, but in seeing through the intrinsic lens
of importance rather than urgency!
HABIT 5 = Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
(principles of empathic communication; character, empathic listening, diagnose before you prescribe, understanding and perception, seek first to understood...then to be understand)
HABIT 6 = Synergize (principles of creative cooperation; levels of communication--high and low trust & high and low cooperation; diagram page 270)
PART FOUR --- Renewal
HABIT 7 = Sharpen the Saw (4 principles of balanced self-renewal; physical,
social/emotional, spiritual, mental)
1) Successful "life strategies" are based on the following "assumptions:"
You create your own experience. People do what works. You can't change what you don't
acknowledge. Life rewards action. There is no reality, only perception. Life is managed, it
is not cured. We teach people how to treat us. There is power in forgiveness. You have to
name it to claim it.
2) The "seven-step" strategy:
[1] Express your goal in terms of specific events or behaviors
[2] Express your goal in terms that can be measured
[3] Assign a "timeline" to your goal
[4] Choose a goal you can control
[5] Plan and program a strategy that will get you to your goal
[6] Define your goal in terms of "steps"
[7] Create accountability for your progress toward your goal
3) The top ten elements consistently present in successful people are:
[1] Vision
[2] Strategy
[3] Passion
[4] Truth
[5] Flexibility
[6] Risk
[7] Nucleus of friends
[8] Action
[9] Priorities
[10] Self-management CONCLUSION ---The CHOICE is yours --- LIVE the Ten Laws of Life and be a WINNER! (p282)