by Elmer H. Burack. Dryden Press, 1975

    PREFACE --- Key perspectives and tools

      Flexibility in analysis or problem solving can be gained from a modest number of concepts, perspectives and learned abilities. A useful framework for behavioral analysis of organizations can be gained from the systems perspective, the contingency concept, ability to model, multiple perspectives for analysis and psychological knowledge. (pvii-xii)

      [1] Systems perspective

      [2] Contingency

      [3] Modeling

      [4] Micro-macro perspectives

      [5] Substantive ideas and findings

    1) INTRODUCTION (p3-21)

      Learning Objectives --- to develop a systems perspective including understanding the basics of model development and analysis theory and research (p2)

    PART 1 --- Structure, technology and systems (p23-247)

    2) Structure (p25-66)

      Learning Objectives --- factors shaping organization structure and their relation to managerial strategy (p24)

    3) Introduction to technological systems: Part 1 (p69-102)

      Learning Objectives --- reckoning with technological change including influence of organization size and structural impact of change (p68)

    4) Technological systems: Part 2 --- the socio-technical complex (p103-140)

      Learning Objectives --- performance and change (p102)

    5) Organizational control systems (p141-172)

      Learning Objectives --- concept of multiple criteria in organizational performance and key role of feedback as a component of a control system (p140)

    6) Communications (p175-215)

      Learning Objectives --- rationalizing a general model of a communication system and the internal factors shaping communication system characteristics (p174)

    7) Computers, management and organization (p217-247)

      Learning Objectives --- perspective on shifting roles and organizational functions emerging from computer-based change through systems analysis (p216)

    PART 2 --- Behavioral systems: motivation, leadership, social bases for work systems, and decision making (p249-398)

    8) Motivation to work (p251-291)

      Learning Objectives --- perspectives on motivation and a comprehensive motivation model including the role of learning and change (p250)

    9) Leadership (p293-334)

      Learning Objectives --- understanding the "situational basis" for leadership propositions and "contingency" approaches including the interrelationships of leadership and motivation (p292-334)

    10) Social basis of work systems --- the human dimensions of work (p337-398)

      Learning Objectives --- defining "organizational efficiency" based on "social performance" in the context of "role performance" (p336)

        THE KEY QUESTION IS --- Are high levels of combined organization performance, individual satisfaction and self-realization attainable? (p349)

    PART 3 --- Application

      Chapter 11 --- Thinking through the bases for applying structural, systems and behavioral perspectives to organizational planning, chapter 12 --- The management of change, chapter 13 --- The most crucial task facing managers and professionals; comprehensive case study, chapter 14 --- Speculations on emergent trends (p399-533)

    11) Thinking through the bases for applying "structural, systems and behavioral perspectives" to organizational planning (p)

    12) Development of organizations and human resources --- a manpower planning perspective (p401-442)

      Learning Objectives --- Models for organization development and the role of change agents including a quantitative model for career planning and change (p400)

    13) Management of organization change (p445-481)

      Learning Objectives --- establishing parameters for understanding organizational change and information requirements to support change management (p444)

    14) Comprehensive application --- to review and summarize the major themes in the book (p483-510)

      Learning Objectives --- Review of major themes, concepts and relationships in the book including "how to use" the wide assortment of models, perspectives and approaches in the book (p336)

    15) Toward the future (p513-533)

      Learning Objectives --- Institution niche, mission and impact on organizational issues including organizational issues associated with quality of work life and impact of minority employees on organizational change (p512)

    BEYOND BUREAUCRACY --- The economic, social and environmental conditions that gave rise to and supported bureaucratic-type structures in the past continue to recede and signal further internal dysfunctions and changes. In the past, moderately paced change and workable levels of certainty permitted the erection of more stable, longer-lasting organization structures that were largely hierarchical. Common recurring situations, procedures, and activities encouraged the subdivision of manpower efforts and the routinization of undertakings. Conformity, which was frequently rewarded, reflected a successful institutional strategy in the light of general economic circumstances and considerable individual need.

    However, the failure of bureaucracy to deal fully with the human dimension of the "humanistic approach" to organizational management is epitomized in its failure to recognize and tap the individual creativity and talent needed to cope with complex organizational issues and its failure to support individual innovation and performance in a world with vastly changed ground rules for competition, economic survival and social action. (p518)

    INDEX (p535-551)

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