by Bobbe Sommer with Mark Falstein. Prentice-Hall, 1993

    FORWARD --- by David Barone, President, Maxwell Maltz Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation (pvix-x)

        The message of this book is that there are specific lessons and exercises that can assist you in the "shared human project of self-realization." Modern psychology is moving in the direction of the positive ideas that Dr. Maltz advocated ,which include self-image, self-realization, biofeedback, positive self-talk, and imaginative exercises, whether self-directed, group oriented or therapist directed.

        Psycho-Cybernetics was and is a powerful positive alternative to the Freudian model of personality development, which downgrades people's control over their own lives!

    FORWARD --- by Anna Harabin Maltz (wife of the late Dr. Maxwell Maltz) (pxi)

        The great concept of "Psycho-Cybernetics" was introduced to the world in 1960. As a plastic surgeon my husband, Dr. Maltz, saw the need for helping people get "emotional face lifts" after serious accidents or disease damaged their faces. His ideas are like a road map taking people from darkness to light, from despair into happiness, from hopelessness to zestfulness!

        Since Maltz's concepts of "goal achievement" and "personal fulfillment" are timeless and because of the work of the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation staff and through the publication of this book, his legacy will live on --- as he dreamed it would.


    INTRODUCTION --- How this book can transform your life! (pxv)

      [1] How Psycho-Cybernetics transformed my life --- by author and motivational speaker Bobbe Sommer (pxvi-xviii)

        A free ticket to a Dr. Maxwell Maltz lecture transformed my life because of its commonsense self-realization approach --- in contrast to other popular more exotic approaches to therapy.

      [2] Psycho-Cybernetics 2000 --- is not a revision but a revitalization!! (pxviii-xx)

      [3] How to use this book instead of just reading it. (pxxi-xxiii)

    1) Your self-image and how it affects you (p1-16)

      [1] Self-image --- the key to your personality (p3-9)

      [2] Six steps to success --- what you will find in this book (p9-15)

        (1) Have you programmed yourself for failure rather than success?

        (2) Does your mental image of yourself, your thoughts, attitudes, and interpretations --- the "memory" of your internal guidance system --- describe you in negative terms?

        (3) Do anxiety and stress prevent you from making the effort to reprogram yourself in a positive way?

        (4) Do you hold back from setting goals for yourself, or are your goals limited by discouraging feelings about your abilities?

        (5) Does negative feedback stop you from pursuing your goals instead of guiding you toward correcting your course?

        (6) Do you feel that such negative feedback has led to an inhibition of your personality?

      [3] Become the person you want to be (p15-16)

    2) How to program your success mechanism (p17-39)

      [1] Correcting your programming --- tap your success instinct (p21-22)

      [2] How to change habits of failure into habits of success (p22-27)

      [3] Your two minds --- and how to change them (p27-36)

      [4] Be aware of the curbs --- focus on the destination! (p36-38)

        (1) Make two lists --- one positive and one negative

        (2) Write down all negative thoughts that you would like to "cancel"

        (3) Visualize your "horse" and "rider" and be aware of the "path" your horse follows and how it developed the path. Also, visualize the new path you want to train your horse to follow in the future!

        (4) Keep the positive and negative "events" in your life in perspective by seeing the BIG PICTURE of the direction of your goals for the future and don't dwell on the negative events as personal weaknesses.

    3) Fake it till you make it --- imagining your way to success (p41-65)

    4) Free yourself from false beliefs (p67-93)

    5) Give your success mechanism some slack --- learn to relax! (p95-119

    6) Just say "YES" --- de-stress yourself with drug-free tranquilizers (p121-150)

    7) Live life by your own script --- how to choose and set goals (p151-183)

      [1] Goals --- your "set point" for success (p154-156)

      [2] Getting started --- how to avoid living someone else's script (p156-161)

      [3] Plan your work before you work your plan (p161-169)

      [4] How to set goals the "SMART" way --- your practical guide to goal setting (p170-180)

        (1) The "SMART" guide to goal-setting: (p170-171)

          1. S = Specific

          2. M = Measurable

          3. A = Action-oriented

          4. R = Realistic

          5. T = Time-conscious

        (2) Make your goals SPECIFIC (p171-172)

        (3) Set MEASURABLE goals (p172-173)

        (3) Develop an ACTION plan for your goals (p173-178)

          1. Identify and write down your goals (p173-174)

          2. Assign dates for achievement of your goals (p174)

          3. Identify possible obstacles (p174-175)

          4. Surround yourself with people who want you to succeed (p175-176)

          5. Focus on your skills (p176)

          6. Follow your plan of action (p176-178)

          7. Ask yourself, "What's in it for me?" (p178)

        (4) Decide what goals are realistic for you (p178-179)

        (5) Set TIME-CONSCIOUS goals (p179-180)

        (6) Don't lose sight of your goals (p180)

      [5] Don't lose sight of your goals (p180-181)

    8) Moving ahead --- from "goal-setting" to "goal-getting" (p183-207)

    9) Your "success mechanism" revisited --- drawing a "blueprint for change" (p209-231)

      [1] Building a sturdy foundation --- a few questions and answers (p210-218)

      [2] Putting it all together --- two Psycho-Cybernetics success stories (p218-230)

      [3] Your Psycho-Cybernetics "blueprint" (p230-231)

        You can become aware of your need to change yourself!

        All you need is the willingness to change and the patience to allow Psycho-Cybernetics techniques to work. Now is the time to answer the "self-assessment" questionnaires and fill in the worksheets in this book --- if you have not already.

        Before you read the rest of this book, take several hours to develop your "blueprint for change." You can use the following "mini-index" to guide your review of the blueprint highlights explained in this book.

        Using a pencil and paper will reinforce and support your progress to make the changes you want in your life:

        (1) Changing habits --- the worksheet (p85-86)

        (2) CRAFT (p25-27)

        (3) False beliefs --- identifying them (p71-74)

        (4) Goals --- assessing your present set-point (p165-168)

        (5) Goals --- maximizing progress (p193-206)

        (6) Goals --- overcoming procrastination (p189-193)

        (7) Goals --- The "SMART" Plan (p170-180)

          1. S = Specific

          2. M = Measurable

          3. A = Action-oriented

          4. R = Realistic

          5. T = Time-conscious

        (8) Imagination (p46-49, 60-61)

        (9) Relaxation --- the exercises and the techniques (p106-119)

        (10) SEEDS (p125-128)

        (11) Stress management (p123-137)

        (12) Stress prevention (p137-144)

    10) Beyond self-image --- shaping your personality for success (p233-257)

    11) Heading the danger signals --- how to avoid failure (p259-284)

    12) Removing the glitches from your personality (p285-313)

    13) Making the most of psycho-cybernetics --- being alive vs. living (p315-342)

    BIBLIOGRAPHY (p343-345)

    INDEX (p346-353)

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