APPROACH LIFE AND WORK by John C. Maxwell. Warner Books, 2003

    FORETHOUGHT ---The difference that really makes a difference! (pxiii-xv)

    THOUGHTS ABOUT THINKING --- Five thoughts about thinking! (pxviii)

      [1] Everything begins with a thought --- "Life consists of what a man is thinking about all day!" Quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson

      [2] What we think determines who we are. Who we are determines what we do! --- "The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts." Quote by John Locke

      [3] Our thoughts determine our destiny. Our destiny determines our legacy. --- "You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you." Quote by James Allen

      [4] People who go to the top think differently than others. --- "Nothing limits achievement like small thinking. Nothing expands possibilities like unleashed thinking! Quote by William Arthur Ward

      [5] We can c hange the way we think! --- "Whatever things are true...noble...just...pure...lovely...are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy --- think on these things! Quote by Paul the Apostle in the Holy Bible


      1) Understand the value of good thinking! (p3-19)

        [1] A different way to think (p3-5)

          Changing from negative to positive thinking is not always easy, especially if you have a difficult time with change. For some, it is a life-long struggle. Most people's number one challenge regarding making positive personal changes is THEIR FEELINGS!

          They may want to change, but they do not know how to get past their emotions! But there is a way to do it. Take a look at the TRUTH contained in the following syllogism:

            MAJOR PREMISE = I can control my thoughts.

            MINOR PREMISE = My feelings come from my thoughts.

            CONCLUSION = I can control my feelings by controlling my thoughts!

        [2] Who will change your mind? (p5-6)

        [3] Why you should embrace the value of good thinking. (p6-14)

          (1) Good thinking creates the foundation for good results! (p7-11)

          (2) Good t hinking increases your potential! (p11-12)

          (3) Good thinking produces more good thinking --- IF YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN!

        [4] Portrait of a good thinker --- 11 thinking skills required for achieving great things! (p14-15)

          (1) Seeing the wisdom of "big picture" thinking

          (2) Unleashing the potential of "focused" thinking

          (3) Discovering the joy of "creative" thinking

          (4) Recognizing the importance of "realistic" thinking

          (5) Releasing the power of "strategic" thinking

          (6) Feeling the energy of "possibility" thinking

          (7) Embracing the lessons of "reflective" thinking

          (8) Questioning the acceptance of "popular" thinking

          (9) Encouraging the participation of "shared" thinking

          (10) Experiencing the satisfaction of "unselfish" thinking

          (11) Enjoying the return of "bottom-line" thinking

      This book does not try to tell you WHAT TO THINK --- but it does attempt to teach you HOW TO THINK!

      You can learn to develop each of these 11 kinds of thinking and become a "master" thinker so your life will change the way you want it to. (p15)

        [5] Advice from a good thinker (p15-18)

        [6] THINKING QUESTION --- Do I believe that good thinking can change my life?

      2) Realize the impact of changed thinking (p21-36)

      3) Performance and development planning (p24-34)

      4) Planning meetings (p35-44)

      5) Interim coaching (p45-54)

      6) Constructive praising (p55-64)

      7) Constructive criticism (p65-74)

    PART II --- (p123-161)

      8) Reviewing strength and virtue (p125-133)

      9) Your "signature strengths" (p134-161)

    PART III --- (p163-260)

      10) Annual appraisals and reviews (p103-117)

      11) An accelerated learning course (p179-201)

      12) Accelerated learning for your children (p202-208)

      13) How you can be involved (p209-210)

      14) Meaning and purpose (p250-260)

    APPENDIX --- Terminology and Theory (p261-264)

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (p265-269))

    ENDNOTES (p271-304)

    INDEX (p305-319)

    PERMISSIONS (p320-319)

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