Fly like an eagle!
Asserting your right to be happy and successful forever!
Self-Creation + Self-Esteem + Self-Actualization = Self-Liberation

You can focus on the positive aspects of the twelve Self-Leadership Concepts, which are named categories in the following matrix-table because of their importance as anchors in your memory. You can think of the twelve categories as being a convenient "Digital Bookshelf." They are arranged alphabetically and provide an essential structure for remembering the integrated aspect of the self-liberation philosophy.

You can choose to immerse your self in any of the twelve categories by randomly clicking on the numbered boxes:


Each of the twelve categories contains a Core Resource List of published professional sources, including citations from hundreds of books, journal articles, and cassette and video tapes, which deal with brain and leadership research. This structure enables you to look at any of the individual title references in the context of the twelve categories or self-leadership subjects. You can access them by navigating back and forth to the various ideas which appeal to you.

In addition, concise summaries and commentaries are chunked together in twelve unique Keyword Training Abstracts, which also correspond directly to the twelve categories. The selected summaries and coherent comments represent the best thinking of published leaders in the new interdisciplinary field of Cognitive Neuroscience and the Best Practices approach to training in business management.

As you navigate back and forth from link to link guided by your own natural intuition (and inhibitions) as well as your basic reasoning ability, you will be activating and coordinating both sides of your amazing brain. Both your right-hemisphere awareness and your left-hemisphere awareness of life will become integrated into one comprehensive whole brain. The experience of being conscious of your "self" and the many complex concepts which structure and illuminate the many factual ideas which explain your awareness of being alive allows you to participate in the self-liberation journey!

This experience of using your own natural brainpower skills in conjunction with the enormous intellectual resources available in convenient chunks of information on this website can be enjoyed in the comfort of your own computer room -- where nobody can interfere with your thinking and self-transformation.

Armed with this new knowledge and brainpower skills, you can prove to yourself that you can create a wholesome dialogue between the two essential sources of your consciousness, which are your brain's "left" and "right" hemispheres.

In summary, your relationship with your self and your culture will never be the same after you begin your self-liberation journey. You will empower yourself with the new factual ideas about how your brain works and how this new knowledge can help you become a more effective and efficient leader both at home and at work.

When you choose to honor your own thinking skills and use them more deliberately to achieve your prized goals, you will feel more comfortable and energized as you change in order to survive and thrive in our rapidly changing world.

You can remove the clutter from your consciousness and clean up your "mental files" in both your brain's working memory and long-term memory resources by liquidating your ignorance. Since ignorance is the source of all prejudices, it must be vigilantly coped with through diligent inquiry. Ignorance can distort your thinking and memory processes and even create an attitude of denial, which is an indication of a closed mind.

Finally, you can accomplish true self-liberation and self-transformation by using the "breakthrough principle" and choosing the self-talk solution to analyze your goals and create your plans and establish your priorities, which are your choices. And your consciousness of having the ability to make free choices is what can create an open mind and self-liberation!

Return to: 1. Self-Liberation and Your Happiness
Return to: 2. Self-Liberation and Your Self-Talk Solution
Go to: Integrated Self-Knowledge Wheel
Go to many choices: Interactive Index of Ideas

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