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The lifelong process of asserting your right to be happy and successful!
The purpose of this website is to provide easy access to the essential ideas for self-liberation. This includes self-analysis skills for evaluation of your own unique ideas concerning the issues of self-creation, self-empowerment, self-esteem and emotional intelligence in a constantly changing social and political environment. You can "Fly like an Eagle," which is a metaphor for the achievement of "flow" or perpetual happiness, if you know what is happening inside your brain!
The main assumption of this website is that human dignity depends upon the achievement of more control over the future and progress toward completely loving and caring relations with others. This website was developed for the purpose of harnessing the titanic power of the Internet for the common good of anyone who wants to improve his or her life and thereby improve the social conditions in the world by increasing justice and love and decreasing poverty.
To do this, the educational power of the Internet as a universal "information machine" is being used to help you learn “brain facts” about how all healthy brains work --- whether they are in white, black, brown or yellow bodies!
Thus the primary survival issue at this point in human history after the terrorist attacks on 9/11 2001 is how and why some religious fanatics use terrorist violence to achieve their ideas of success instead of collaborating and cooperating with the leaders of all countries to create a healthy environment for all life forms on earth. As long as terrorism has to be fought, huge amounts of government money must be used for weapons of mass destruction instead of education and enlightenment.
Nevertheless, you can do your part to increase love in the world by using the new "brain psychology" as the foundation for your thinking. This new scientific knowledge can help you develop an effective and efficient strategy for mastering the forces of change in your life and the lives of those you love and care about. The name for this cognitive process of systematically thinking about yourself and your significant relationships with others in a creative way is called Mind-Mapping.
This analytical process incorporates the best verifiable methods of dialoging with yourself or creating productive "self-talk." It opens your mind to the best ideas of published experts -- in the comfort of your own computer room and the freedom of your own thoughts!
If you seek the magic "ring" --- as in Tolkin's series of three books and the movies The Lord of the Rings --- you will find that there is no magic ring to save you but only the science that is going to take us to the planet Mars!
The trip to Mars is a profound undertaking possible only because of our precise scientific understanding of the laws of nature. In the same way, the spectacular new insights about "brain chemistry" are making human nature and normal and abnormal human behavior more clearly understood by experts. The ultimate objective of this website is to make expert knowledge about brain psychology easily accessible so you can improve your life --- if you make the difficult choice to do it!
To improve yourself, it is assumed the best method for achieving success is perpetual inquiry into your own existence. You can use the new brain psychology as a solid foundation to facilitate your quest to perfect yourself --- together with all your past ideas and ideals concerning your life goals. To begin, you can develop your own personal strategic action plan for success by thinking about the assumptions of modern brain psychology as you plan for an uncertain future full of challenges and pleasures.
How are you going to "invent" your "self" so you can be more lovable, happy and able to solve personal and global problems better? Your decision can guarantee maximum happiness no matter what adversaries or adversities you face in the future. You can become a victor instead of a victim!
You are welcome to use the free information on this website for self-liberation and self-creation. In addition, you can purchase more life-affirming resources at an affordable price of just $5.00 for the booklet, "Happiness @ the speed of thought," and $5.00 for a CD-ROM containing more than 500 authoritative book and article references integrated into the Mind Mapping theory of self-creation. This website is sponsored by Interactive Ideas, Inc, which is a non-profit idea seeking fulfillment in a vastly complicated world needing more love and tenderness!
ACHIEVE = You can achieve better results in whatever endeavor!
BRAINPOWER = You can increase your brainpower!
CHANGE = You can change your behavior by changing your thoughts!
CHARACTER = You can learn how your character determines your integrity!
CREATIVITY = You can learn to be more creative in your pursuit of truth!
FEELINGS = You can change your feelings by changing your behavior!
LEADERSHIP = You can learn good leadership skills to achieve more influence!
MOTIVATION = You can become more motivated to do anything worthwhile!
PERFORMANCE = You can perform everything you choose to do better!
SUCCESS = You can choose to be successfull in all you do!
TEAMWORK = You can learn teamwork skills to improve your effectiveness!
TIME = You can use your time more efficiently to improve your life!
Go to: Self-Liberation Process
Go to: Leadership Matrix
Go to: Mind-Mapping
Go to: Interactive Index of Self-Liberating Ideas