The best way to organize information about your self!
Your search for wisdom will be achieved after you have successfully transferred all the information from this website into your own brain --- through reading, writing and evaluating your self!
This bold assumption can be stated up-front because the whole process of being engaged in evaluating the Self-Liberation Strategy is a life-affirming and life-altering scientific experience of self-discovery. The structure of this website was designed to allow your natural curiosity to flourish and get repeated positive reinforcement as you search for reliable answers to the most significant questions of a lifetime. Since all good science is self-correcting, your-trial-and-error search for accurate emotionally satisfying facts about your SELF and your expectations for your future can put you in deliberate control of your life and the environmental forces that surround YOU!
Your desire to seek new knowledge and worldly wisdom is the first essential step on the path to complete happiness. The maxim that "Life is a journey not a destination" is true to the degree that you commit yourself to living fully in the moment, realizing the power of being fully alive now --- instead of waiting for some vague invisible spiritual reward in an unknown future.
To do this, you have to be mentally healthy in spite of some of the brutal conditions in our world environment. You have to understand the boundaries of your secure personal comfort zone and build on that self-knowledge to create your own emotional "fortress of freedom!"
Since most of your behavior is determined by the organizations that you participate in, it is essential to understand how leadership concepts impact your personal awareness of your SELF. And, since good leadership is based on self-leadership principles in democratic organizations, this website is organized around 12 major issues or core Leadership Concepts which need to be analyzed and understood in their interactive synergy. The leadership concepts are organized in a way that can help you develop your Self-Liberation Philosophy, which you can think of as your agenda for the futurea or your personal mission statement.
You can make the process of memorizing key ideas an exciting personal research project that can have a lasting impact on the rest of your life. The ultimate issue for each educated citizen is how to determine the quality of life that will fully satisfy you now and be the kind of legacy that you want to leave those who follow you. Since the maximum life-span of human beings is about 120 years, all of the 6 billion or so people alive today will be dead 120 years from now --- and most of them will be dead much sooner than that! This startling fact can wake you up to the significance of planning now to make your life more meaningful every single day of the rest of your life!
Since the Self-Liberation Process is based upon objective, sensible proofs of the nature of reality instead of subjective faith-based superstitions, you can imagine the process of self-liberation to be an educational adventure of experiencing the scientific method first-hand. The Mind-Mapping Process link provides you with an opportunity to challenge your ignorance, superstitions, and faulty thinking habits and modify them with fresh new insights into your ability to expand your vision and create better results during the rest of your life.
Your discovery of your own "self-imposed" limitations and your ability to progressively change them into new self-fulfilling ideas can LIBERATE you to perform heroically in the face of the mind-numbing assault on your consciousness and conscience by the mass media and politicians. They want you to buy their products or obey them like robot parrots! Instead, you can assert your SELF and become a liberated facilitator of healthy change for yourself and your friends.
By IMMERSING yourself in the practical assumptions of the Mind-Mapping Process of self-discovery, you can learn how to understand the true scientific character of yourself and your planet and your universe. And by becoming more completely aware of the complex interrelated and interactive nature of all life forms, you can afford to make conscious changes in your life. You can risk losing the rewards of staying in your comfort zone. You can break out of your old familiar convenient habits of thinking and accept a challenging lifelong quest for greater opportunities to serve your SELF best by serving others altruistically.
The structure or format of this website encourages you to compare your thinking to the recommendations of world-class experts. Their ideas concerning the 12 Leadership Issues are instantly accessible in the sidebar of navigation buttons. Also, they are arranged in another alphabetical format at the Leadership Matrix, link, which can serve as a hub connecting the 12 leadership issues as you navigate back and forth following your intuition in your search for trustworthy factual explanations and measurable growth in your quest for truth and happiness.
That database is arranged so you can IMMERSE your SELF in relevant facts and "chunk" those facts together into main ideas that can be easily transferred to your long-term memory resources. The principles of leadership in general and self-leadership in particular can be studied in the context of the 12 major Leadership Concepts, which will be presented in the context of 12 positive leadership themes or subjects each connected to its own special Tutorial with its continuum of ideas.
Thus you can integrate the 12 Leadership Concepts into chunks of useful and memorable information in your memory based on the foundation of the Leadership Matrix model or paradigm. The Leadership Concepts provide a reasonable context within which the ideas of the best thinkers in human history can be conveyed from their writings. Their books and articles convey their ideas and their ideas can be condensed and consolidated into a creative synergy, no matter what historical period they came from, by logical analytical thought processes. The positive upbeat "facts of life" include sex-differences based upon the gender-specific brain anatomies of men and women.
You can think of this exchange of ideas as a way of sampling ideas or dialoguing --- as if you are having a conversation with the experts in the comfort of your own computer room.
The 12 Leadership Concepts are linked together with 12 Leadership Tutorials. The Tutorials contain selected summaries and excerpts from the best books on leadership and brain psychology so you can choose core ideas to add to your own understanding of each Leadership Concept. Unique memory exercises are structured like "Mind-Maps," and are conveniently located at the beginning of each of the 12 Tutorials. You can simply plug in your best ideas and choose to store them in your long-term memory --- and instantly make printouts to document your progress and to prompt you for future action.
True self-liberation can happen only when you trust the latest brain research. The new brain psychology has increased scientific understanding of how you can control your own behavior through your own ethical choices. The true value of your life in the future will depend on the quality of the scientific knowledge you have about how your brain works and how you are able to apply the new brain facts to your life goals. The essential brain facts can be learned in a supportive virtual environment by using the self-paced
Automated Brain Tutorial.
In addition, the Turkey Pen Allegory can help you quickly relate to the complex Leadership Concepts by seeing the conflict between the young eagle who flies into a bureaucratically controlled turkey pen to begin a relationship with a young turkey. The turkey leaders, who are portrayed as cartoon characters, reveal their bureaucratic values and vulnerabilities through their beliefs about the dictatorial nature of leadership. They only aspire to achieve only the status quo. This backward outlook about leadership has negative consequences in the value conflicts between the "turkeys" whose official training program has educated them to learn to live an unfulfilled existence and the "eagle" who wants an adventurous life based upon self-respect and trust in his own brainpower and senses.
To liberate yourself from negative ideas and stifling bureaucratic and political "gobbledygook," seek truth based upon modern science!
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