Self-Creation + Self-Reliance + Self-Actualization = Self-Liberation!
"MIND-MAPPING" --- The strategy of communicating with your "self!"
You can use the new Mind-Mapping Process of thinking by organizing your ideas about yourself (your philosophy) into "visual notes." The process of Mind-Mapping, which was created by Tony Buzan, can help you document your best ideas and ideals about your SELF.
In order to liberate your POSITIVE THOUGHTS about your "self," which is your own rating of your goodness (worth or value) or HIGH-SELF-ESTEEM, from your self-imposed NEGATIVE FEELINGS, which is your own low-rating of your goodness (worth or value) or LOW-SELF-ESTEEM, you must understand how to deal with CHANGE in your life as you grow in wisdom. Your ability to comprehend how your own VALUES impact your approach to CHANGE can help you FEEL more sustained HAPPINESS with your life as you become more consciously engaged with expert ideas about Self-Leadership Concepts.
The Mind-Mapping process starts with your new understanding of how the key words in bold letters in the above paragraph are vital parts of your personal approach to the self-liberation quest. You can re-program your conscious awareness of your SELF by removing any self-imposed limitations which may cripple your imagination. These self-doubts are based on the negative thoughts, that were saved as negative feelings in your long-term memory. You may have learned the some of the negative thoughts from other people and you may have made judgments about your own worth or value in the past because of traumatic experiences that shaped your life up to this moment in time!
When you become aware that your self-consciousness can be changed by your "self-awareness" of scientific facts about how your brain works, you can begin the adventure of "self-creation," which makes you more "self-reliant," which makes you more "self-actualized!" This series of related ideas and self-conscious experiences are interactive in the sense that they reinforce each other when understood in their dynamic completeness --- and when they get stored in your long-term memory resources in a sensible coherent pattern.
The Mind-Mapping process is not psychobable since it relies on broadly accepted meanings of words in the English language and practical scientific methods of counseling, which is the most objective approach to understanding and accepting the true facts of your own life. If you are interested in doing Mind-Mapping, or becoming engaged in a process of self-discovery, you can choose to build many Mind-Maps to document your conscious thinking process about your worth or value as indicated by your goals and your strategy for achieving those goals during your lifetime. As you learn to consciously choose the correct words to describe your thoughts and feelings about your "self" and your new awareness of the interactive process of "self-creation," you will begin to understand how many of your feelings about your self have trapped you into being a follower of other people's "rules and regulations" or a slave to other people's thoughts and feelings --- instead of your own!
The purpose of the Mind-Mapping process is help you "picture" or "measure" the pattern of your ideas in order to clarify them. You --- as one thought leads to another. Making a "Mind-Map" is creating an objective graphic portrait of your "self." As you write down the key words or phrases that describe your "self," your brain will be focused or engaged and this experience establishes a stronger connection in your long-term memory resources.
Now circle the idea or trace an ellipse around it to establish that it is the main thought that you want to think about at the moment. The circled word is the primary subject of your Mind-Map. As you think new thoughts about your main idea or subject, you can create branches of related words that "radiate" out from this central point around the circumference of the circle or ellipse. Each new idea can become a "branch" on a straight line radiating away from your main idea. You can create side-issue "branches" of ideas by connecting sideway lines from the main branches to depict the side-issues you are aware of at the time.
The different "branches," which radiate out from your main idea, connect the main idea with all related ideas that are in your stream of consciousness or pattern of thoughts. At this point, you can begin to prioritize --- or evaluate whether your related ideas are genuine "wants," which you are willing to commit to accomplishing, or merely "wishes," that you are simply content to imagine but which are too weak at the moment to keep thinking about. You can label the Mind-Map diagram so it will help you achieve your short-term or long-term goals.
If a thought comes into your consciousness that takes your attention away from the main idea or subject you have put in the middle of the paper, then you either write the new idea on a new blank piece of paper or you can cross out the old word or phrase in the circle or ellipse and write the new word or phrase that symbolizes your new stronger idea. You can use straight or curved "vector arrows" to connect your related ideas and side-issue ideas in different ways to show the important relationships among the words (ideas) you are aware of at the moment.
Also, you can use colors to underline strong related-ideas or connections between the related ideas and colored drawings or pictures to illustrate the major points and relationships that you want to remember. This action will make certain that your Mind-Map represents what has really happened in your thinking process about your major idea. And it also makes your main idea easier to recall later --- when you need the information that you have just created.
By selecting a powerful main idea and writing down your strongest related ideas and underlining them on lines radiating outward from your main idea, you are "drawing" your idea and its consequences. This creative process permits both sides of your brain --- the "left side," which is the analytical part, and "right side," which is the conceptual part, to work together to accomplish your goals most effectively and efficiently.
MIND-MAPPING SKILLS --- Re=programming your brain to use your TIME better!
1. You can create your own "Mind-Maps" about any idea or subject you choose.
2. Simply put the idea (subject or theme) of your thinking in the center of a blank piece of paper and draw a circle or ellipse around it.
3. As ideas come into your mind, write words on "branches" (lines) that radiate outward away from your main idea.
4. Vary the size of the words or use colors to underline related ideas or create drawings to illustrate them and reinforce the strongest connections. This will help your brain's memory resources move the ideas from your short-term memory to your long-term memory.
5. You can link related side-issue ideas with vector arrows, which can be straight or curved, and then edit or correct this documented thinking process as you actually "look" with your eyes at the big complete picture or total graphic representation of the pattern of your thinking about the main idea that has been at the center of your attention. This idea and all of its connected related ideas are now documented in your Mind-Map or objectified which reinforces the idea in the memory resources in several parts of your brain.
6. Thus Mind-Mapping is a miraculous thinking process that gives you the ability or power to make better choices --- thereby increasing your self-esteem and self-empowerment. This thinking process creates your values or "identity" and ultimately your personality or "lifestyle" which helps you understand your SELF better!
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