The first assumption is that you can apply the "scientific method" to the way you use the new "brain facts" to understand your SELF. Once you are aware of the undeniably genuine empirical values contained in the twelve Keyword Brainpower Mindset Categories, you can learn how to use the new "science-based" brain-related knowledge organized in the Keyword Brainpower Mindset Categories to improve yourself. Also your new Brainpower Mindset can improve your health by empowering you to use your own brainpower to change any unhealthy habits and transform any negative attitudes into positive expectations regarding your future goals and plans.
Also the viewpoint of the Brainpower Mindset can motivate you to change your fundamental understanding of reality, especially the confusing influence that the mass media can have on your basic values and absolute assumptions when you learn all its implications. The new context of your Brainpower Mindset can empower you to take advantage of your freedom of choice as you make life-improving goals and plans for the future.
The Brainpower Mindset contains ideas that can influence you to adopt new habits of perception, which are essential, if you want to achieve your most important goals more efficiently. By keeping focused on an attitude of gratitude for being alive and by creating effective plans for achieving your goals, you can join with millions of other smart people to save the magnificent environmental resources that are still on our wonderful planet Earth. The more that you consciously use the 12 Keyword Categories the more likely you will be to succeed at staying healthy and living a longer happier more satisfying life.
Your new Brainpower Mindset can give you more "Self-Control" over your basic values and absolute presupositions because you will be more consciously aware of how your philosophical assumptions determine your values. You will be more conscious of how your values influence your lifestyle choices and your strategic plans for the future. You do create your own reality, for better or worse. This website can help you create a better life in the future.
This unique alphabetically arranged "matrix structure" organizes chunks of key factual ideas into a pattern of 12 primary concepts called the Brainpower Mindset. The 12 Keyword Categories of the Brainpower Mindset are linked together to create a unique opportunity for you to think about your relationship to reality with scientific optimism and humanistic creativity. After you learn more about how your brain works and what the meaning of your life can be in the context of the new global multiculture history of humanity, you can use the perspective of the Brainpower Mindset ideas to choose your greatest goals and to prioritize your best plans. You can increase your happiness and satisfaction in the future by using your optimal brainpower to make a difference in the world.
All 12 of the Keyword Categories are connected to each other according to universally respected dictionary definitions. A scientific understanding of the genuine "cause-and-effect" relationships among all twelve of the Keyword Categories can facilitate your understanding of the Self-Liberation Philosophy. In addition, the basic principles of language acquisition apply to all twelve categories. You can experience new self-confidence in your exploration of your own existence, and your relationships to other people, in our fantastic universe of exploding stars, hot suns, cool moons, orbiting planets, and lots of dark matter out in space:
Each of the twelve keyword categories or concepts can have an enormous significance for your understanding and use of your own brainpower. You can easily understand the concepts and share them with others since they are factual scientific ideas that can be validated in your "self-awareness" every moment. You can think of the matrix structure as a convenient "digitized bookshelf" containing the most important factual ideas about how the parts of your amazing brain function together to give you the power to think for yourself!
You can imagine each keyword category to be interconnected to the rest of the matrix structure. This will enable you to memorize each of the Brainpower Mindset categories in the context of all the others. Since the psychological memory principles of "repetition" and "association" play such a big part in storing useful ideas in your brain's long-term memory processes, it is important that you frequently return to this matrix structure of reliable ideas as you continue to grow in your understanding of your amazing adaptive brain and your awesome brainpower.
Your practical "Brainpower Mindset" structure of abstract ideas can become a powerful separate memory in your brain. Millions of your neurons can unite with each other to create new connections among your neuron networks to form this new scientific knowledge base. You can use it to conceptualize and categorize your own unique perception of reality as you seek to live a healthy happy life.
The 12 interconnected "keyword categories" provide you with quick access to the latest reliable scientific knowledge about how your brain actually works. Also they are a constant reminder of the interconnectability of these powerful ideas in your daily thinking about your most important goals and values and the planning activities required to achieve your goals. They operate like the solid foundation of a building that keeps the rest of the structure glued firmly together.
Therefore, the martrix framework allows you to instantly review and grasp the possible new interactions among the ideas that you choose to access. They form a trustworthy basis for all your future thinking and planning activities. As you clarify and reinforce the ideas in your own unique Self-Liberation Philosophy, you will be making many new choices, goals, plans and decisions for living a happy rational ethical humanistic life.
Together, the twelve keyword categories can be helpful in defining your internal Self-Awareness in relation to your external technology-oriented global culture. The concept of "culture" itself includes all the political, economic, social, and technical influences that generate external images impacting your behavior and lifestyle choices on a moment by moment basis. Thus you are a "culture-carrier" either consciously or unconsciously depending upon how much scientific knowledge you have acquired in your studying and thinking about your own personal values.
When you understand that you are a separate individual person with the freedom to think for yourself, you can choose to become empowered to understand the new integrated "brain facts" which can become a part of your long-term memory resources. You have the great potential to enable yourself to experience profound happiness and make major contributions to improve life on planet earth at the same time, by using the twelve categories (concepts or subjects) as you seek to re-evaluate the reliability or usefulness of all the information that you remember from the past and all that is coming into your brain from your senses now.
It is essential to understand that many cultural influences can distort your own ideas so your brain may associate incorrect interpretations about the meaning of the cultural images in your life. At worst, the external cultural images outside your body can adversely influence the way you perceive your own natural internal sensory images and sensations, which is your Self-Awareness or mindfullness.
The twelve "Keyword Brainpower Mindset Categories" in the "Brainpower Matrix" are so named to indicate how important they are for describing the process of growing in "Self-Awareness" until you achieve full "Self-Liberation." For a permanent vivid impression of this idea, you can use the next link to see an image or picture of the Integrated Brainpower Mindset Wheel:
Integrated Brainpower Mindset Wheel
This image or symbol of the Integrated Brainpower Mindset Wheel can be printed and saved so you will have a permanent graphic reminder that the integrated brain facts and the Self-Liberation ideas are all instantly accessible to you. You can accept the recommended assumptions and values promoted on this website or challenge them. Each of Brainpower Mindset categories has been created to bring together essential factual scientific ideas within larger concepts that chunk together compelling summaries and commentaries. The objective data are all intimately connected to each other with respect to their ethical meanings.
The twelve "Brainpower Mindset" categories function as reliable stabilizing "mental keys" that can "unlock and open" your "doors and windows" of perception when the new “science-based” factual ideas are safely remembered in your amazing brain. The "key" in the Keyword Brainpower Categories refers to the fact that the "keywords" can help you "unlock" your old habits of thoughts and feelings. Also the keywords in your ideas and opinions and beliefs can be exchanged for the new factual ideas in the scientific brainpower mindset of reliable scientific knowledge about life. You can use your own natural reasoning abilities and intuition to decide which of the Brainpower Mindset concepts or categories you may want to emphasize and use first.
After you have immersed your SELF in the Brainpower Mindset categories, which are based on the factual scientific ideas on this website, you can re-evaluate your thoughts and re-attribute your feelings. The image of the Brainpower Wheel can remind you that the twelve self-liberation categories or concepts symbolize solid essential words that you can count on forever. Since all new knowledge takes time to become consolidated inside your brain's long-term memory resources, your daily task is to link your most important ideas together consciously and frequently repeating the connections.
You can learn to think and feel in terms of "CONTINUUMS" instead of "DICHOTOMIES." Continuums are like thermometers since they measure ideas and things in terms of degrees rather than opposite extremes. After you have had the opportunity to read and study the definition of each category and have read and studied the description of each Keyword Training Abstract associated with each "Brainpower Mindset" category, you can create a new mindful Self-Awareness of reality.
If you would like to spend more of your lifetime on the "light" end of the continuum scale of "humanistic enlightenment," which is a substitute for the idea of the dark-light dichotomy of ordinary speech. Instead of thinking in terms of the narrower viewpoint of an absolute dichotomy between "dark" and "light," you can enlighten your SELF each moment that you visualize the new brain facts. When you consciously decide to store the definitions and explanations in your "working memory," they can be easily integrated into your "long-term memory" resources.
This series of creative acts can change your life forever into a happier person who is more satisfied with life and the people and places around you. This new knowledge of the names of brain parts and functional areas can motivate you to ponder the infinite brainpower resources that you control, if you will continue to expand your conscious awareness of what is your brainpower potential. You will rapidly realize that your worst enemy is the cultural pressure to conform to old outdated historic models of servile robotic adult behavior roles that force you to obey others instead of your own emerging true Self-Awareness of life.
Nevertheless, you can learn to use your newly acquired positive brainpower skills to fiercely fight back against the negative self-destructive forces of many aspects of our global marketplace aimed to make profits for the few instead of increased "Self-Esteem" for the many. You can learn to separate modern scientific facts from ancient political and religious fictions by using your own brainpower and the scientific method to test reality.
Each category has a long list of published statements of science-based factual ideas that have been devised and improvised by wonderful writers whose best published ideas can be our guides to true meaningful concepts of what the "good life" can be on earth. The structure of this website can help you understand the best factual ideas and create the best "mindmaps" to objectively document and master your best patterns of thoughts and feelings with the least amount of conscious effort and willpower or pure imagination. Instead of relying on traditional, inaccurate, un-scientific "faith-based" opinions, prejudices and/or superstitions that you may have learned from your relatives and teachers during childhood or from friends and mentors as an adult, you have the opportunity now to change your awareness of your SELF.
This way of transforming your perception of your SELF is based upon reasonable empirically proven factual scientific ideas developed during the past 300 years. This way of re-constructing your "self-image" and re-building your SELF based on your mindful self-awareness can give you a happy and satisfying future life. Many essential new brain facts discovered during the past 20 years make clearer than every before in history the validity of the assumptions on this website. You can transform your attitude toward your SELF by empowering yourself through "self-creation," and by increasing your "self-esteem," and by achieving "self-actualization" as you accomplish your greatest goals and develop your most desirable plans for success.
After you have become conscious of the fact that your brain has the wonderful ability to make conscious choices based on the new brain facts, you will be able to use your brainpower more efficiently and effectively. The word "mind," is used to refer to the higher powers of your brain on this website, which include your ability to reason and to apply your intuition to figure out the meaning of things based upon the information your five senses provide you for evaluation.
Therefore, the word "mind" can be a short-hand name for your "Brainpower Mindset," since it will have a specific meaning regarding your new motivational skills of using your brain to achieve your greatest goals. Now you can choose to immerse your SELF in the natural and social environments in which you live. You can choose to enjoy the benefits of the following unique educational experience designed to give you easy access to the key brain facts essential for your future happiness and success.
The Brainpower Categories are worth remembering forever as a reliable way to perceive reality. But you can change them to meet your own personal existential conditions. You can create your own concepts to reflect your own unique values and assumptions within the scientific context of the genuine factual ideas described on this website. By doing this, you can also learn the six "smart skill sets," which can empower you to apply your new knowledge in incredibly helpful and wonderfully empowering ways.
Your Self-Analysis will give you the information you will need to create a new mindful self-awareness that can free your imagination to take the risks and experience the satisfaction and happy excitement that can give you the self-confidence and courage to overcome disappointments. In short, your Brainpower Mindset can empower your planning process with solid factual ideas based upon scientific values and assumptions as you confront survival issues and lifestyle choices in the global environment.
When you are thinking about how your brain functions, you can come to the realization that all healthy human brains have the same basic physical molecular structure and, therefore, can function exactly the same way with regard to basic thinking and memory processes. These processes are "mediated" by the symbols of our diverse human languages. Our ignorance of the true nature of our SELF and our human potential, when we don't understand how our brains work, can be overcome by our deliberate choice to expand our thinking abilities through mindful Self-Awareness.
Fundamentally, mindful Self-Awareness means that you are aware of using the awesome power of your amazing adaptive brain to construct and organize your sensory perceptions by thinking about your new ideas and experiences in a systematic rational way. This humanistic learning process requires forgetting old distorted untrue memories that were perceived to be true and valuable in your past when you knew far less about your amazing brainpower. You can replace the old untrue memories with new correct memories of the real connections and interactions among your brain parts and functional areas.
In order to control your life and health and career goals creatively, you must understand what mindful self-awareness really is and how it can impact your "brain chemistry." Since the molecular reactions of the billions of neurons in your brain and nervous system are the genuine causes of your thoughts and feelings, it is helpful to name your new Self-Awareness of having such an amazing brain and nervous system by calling it your Brainpower Mindset. When you become more familiar with the concept, you can simply call it your "mind."
This recognition of your own Brainpower Mindset is especially important when you are first learning about the complex ways your brain works to give you the ability to make conscious choices and plan for your unique future. You will be substituting real names and real definitions that are derived from consensual experimental scientific validation in order to explain real brain functions instead of resorting to silly metaphors that were used historically by pre-scientific ancient societies and anti-scientific people and institutions now.
When you become aware of the complex interactions of all of your brain parts and functional areas, you can monitor and control the way you use these new scientific "brain facts" to develop your own personal version of the Self-Liberation Philosophy. You will then be able to re-evaluate your core values with the aid of the new brain facts and fully realize the incredibly wonderful power you have to think for yourself and to feel a range of positive happy satisfying feelings.
Then you will be on the fantastic journey of self-discovery and successful creative interactions with your friends and pets and things (possessions). With your new higher Self-Esteem, you will be able to develop more Self-Control and combat the predatory cultural pressures to conform to the economic demands of the ubiquitous and exploitive parts of our consumer culture.
As you discover what mindful self-awareness really is, in the context of the "Brainpower Mindset" way of thinking, you will then be empowered to experience more continuous happiness and satisfaction on your philosophical journey of Self-Analysis and eventual enlightenment --- using both your "analytical left brain" and your "emotional right brain" capacities.
The new brain research indicates that your brain creates information differently depending upon how suggestible your mind is. In fact, your expectations can change your reality by distorting it or preparing you to see it more objectively. Also, sinc your expectations are based on knowledge or fears, they can change how you think about the reality of yourself! A good example of this is the medical concept of the "placebo effect" in healing and in testing drugs. In a controlled experiment, such as one where natural human brain chemicals are tested to see how their healing capacity compares to strong artificial prescription drugs used as medicines, the chemicals are sometimes found to be less effective than one's own natural bodily chemicals and sometimes even more dangerous than the diseases or the disorders the medicines are supposed to fix.
In other words, for many disabling illnesses, one's own powerful psycho-social expectations can do the job of balancing one's body chemistry or hormones and electrical messages in the nervous system in powerful healing ways. They can stop an ailment and restore health again without the adverse side-effects that accompany so many man-made synthetic pharmaceutical drugs.
You can focus on the positive aspects of each of the twelve brainpower mindset categories. Each is designed to help you organize and transfer its meanings to substitute for any of your negative dysfunctional past experiences and transform them into positive success strategies in the future. The positive spin can influence the way you approach the twelve categories, which describe your most important values, attitudes and habits. They can become fundamental subjects in both your brain's "working memory" and its "long-term memory" resources --- when they are properly understood and integrated into your daily lifestyle of choices and decisions.
The basic core meanings of these twelve brainpower categories will not change in the future because they represent the best known realities that human beings can experience during their lifetimes. The Brainpower Mindset includes thousands of thoughts and feelings chunked neatly together in consciously "self-organizing” bundles of useful practical information, which can become the bedrock foundation of your future existence.
The Brainpower Mindset can be used as a substitute for the traditional institutional religious rules and beliefs, which can now be updated by separating out the prejudicial historic stereotypes that once controlled human behavior all through the Renaissance, Reformation, Enlightenment periods of recent centuries of human history during the past 500 to 600 years, after the Dark Ages or Middle Ages. Now the dominant mindset of business leaders and scientists and engineers and educators is determined by the scientific perspective about the meaning of life. However, political and religious leaders are failing to use the power of science to understand life except for war.
The twelve universal categories of the Brainpower Mindset format are instantly accessible to you at the speed of your own thinking ability. By simply navigating in the Keyword Brainpower Mindset Matrix, you will have instant access to more than 500 published works that identify the values and define and inspire the viewpoint of this website.
The twelve Keyword Brainpower Mindset Categories are arranged alphabetically for easy access and comparison. The hypertext links are strategically deployed connections which integrate the dynamic overlapping factual ideas and philosophical assumptions within each of the twelve matrix categories for easy comparisons and more creative thinking. They can help you train your brain to communicate more effectively and to make your decisions more confidently.
You can rapidly navigate back and forth from link to link guided by your own natural intuition and reasoning ability to explore the new solid scientific brain facts. In addition to all the wonderful concepts about how your brain works, the unique structure of this website gives you the convenient opportunity to compare your thinking about the relevance of the new brain knowledge in the context of the Keyword Brainpower Mindset Categories in the matrix structure.
These simple memory exercises use the "spaced repetition" method of learning through positive reinforcement in the context of this Internet website (CD-ROM format). It's efficacy is in the hundreds of quick links that can give you direct access to thousands of vital inter-related factual ideas as fast as the speed of your own thinking. The factual ideas include creative common sense explanations of the infinite interactive ideas possible because of the intricately complex design of the major parts of your brain and your brain's functional areas.
Now your new Self-Awareness can give you more Self-Control" by directly influencing your thoughts and feelings as you make smarter choices, goals, and plans. Some changes in your perception of your SELF can happen instantly and some may take longer depending upon the sequence of activities you choose when you apply the "spaced repetition" method of memory enhancement to achieve Self-Liberation" and to create your own unique personal version of the "Self-Liberation Philosophy."
You can choose to immerse your SELF in any of the twelve brainpower mindset categories. Each of the twelve keyword categories contains an annotated core resource list of published references. You can decide to navigate back and forth from each category to the alphabetical list of major published book titles, which support and illustrate the specific factual scientific ideas in each category.
Each of the twelve brainpower categories can be thought of as being a specific concrete concept. Each defined category or subject contains and sorts ideas which relate to a multicultural ethical perspective to understood universally applicable human goals and survival plans. The 12 Keyword Brainpower Categories are arranged in a unique table of twelve buttons, which gives you instant access to each of the concepts:
The alphabetical format allows you to make quick comparisons of the likenesses and differences of each of the twelve core self-liberation concepts. In addition, the summaries and outlines and excerpts of the factual ideas from the various published sources are linked together in 12 unique Keyword Training Abstracts, which are lists of books that focus attention on the major ideas related to each of the keyword categories. Each of the 12 training abstracts contains selected summaries and commentaries with citations from more than 500 professional books, journal articles, and recordings all deal with scientific knowledge of the human brain and its possibilities.
The concise summaries and coherent commentaries are CHUNKED together in 12 unique Keyword Training Abstracts, which correspond to each of the twelve Keyword Brainpower Mindset Categories. The selected summaries and comprehensive comments from the annotated lists of reference sources represent world class thinking at its best. They come from published researchers and writers in the new interdisciplinary field of Cognitive Neuroscience and also the ”best practices” method of teaching the best leadership skills used widely in business schools, corporations, and government agencies.
You have the opportunity to choose to use this new brainpower knowledge appropriately by immersing or flooding your consciousness with this specific truthful information. This deliberate process can evoke a happy optimistic attitude about your future. It can energize your plans to achieve your goals. This assertive process can help you transcend any negative cultural conditioning. Your new Self-Awareness can become an empowering habit that functions like "self-affirmations." This focus can strengthen your desire to take full responsibility for your own choices and plans.
This easy access to reliable “science-based” factual ideas can encourage you to take the risks involved in making significant timely lifestyle choices. The experience of being conscious of yourself within the structure of the Keyword Brainpower Mindset Matrix can motivate you to learn to use the new brain knowledge in the Brainpower Mindset to develop your own assumptions and values about the meaning of your life around realistic expectations.
As you learn to trust the reliability of each of the twelve Keyword Brainpower Categories for organizing the essential factual ideas about how your brain works and how you can understand the significance of the distinction between your BRAIN, and your MIND, and your SELF, you will become more happy and successful. The brainpower categories will become transformed into “categorical imperatives,” similar to what the famous German philosopher, Kant, advocated several hundred years ago. Kant devised a formula for helping people make ethical decisions by asking them to determine whether a particular behavior had good or bad consequences --- if everybody did the same thing!
You can take a quick look at the following twelve integrated Keyword Brainpower Mindset Categories in another context. They are powerful AFFIRMATIVE PHRASES By selecting them, one by one as your curiosity and intuition desire, you can stimulate your own "neocortex:"
1. ACHIEVEMENT (achieving) = You can quickly achieve an effective success mindset in whatever endeavor you choose!
2. CHANGE (changing) = You can quickly change your behavior and habits to make yourself happier by changing your thoughts and feelings!
3. CREATIVITY (creating) = You can quickly learn to increase your creativity in your pursuit of happiness and success and service to others!
4. FEELINGS (feelings) = You can quickly change your feelings about anything after analyzing your thoughts and choosing rational explanations that evoke positive feelings about your SELF and other people!
5. LEADERSHIP (leading) = You can quickly learn new leadership skills so you will become more happy and productive and influential!
6. MOTIVATION (motivating) = You can quickly learn how to motivate yourself to do anything worthwhile and fun for your SELF and others!
7. POWER (emPowering) = You can choose to focus your emPowering skills to do good things by choosing correct action goals that are congruent with the powerful network of ideas contained in the Keyword Brainpower Mindset Matrix!
8. SUCCESS (succeeding) = You can quickly choose to take bigger risks to become a bigger success at everything you do!
9. TEAMWORK (teaming) = You can quickly learn teamwork or "teaming" skills to achieve success and happiness!
10. THOUGHTS (thinking) = You can do better thinking instantly by learning new factual ideas about how your brain can work better for you!
11. TIME/ENERGY (timing) = You can use more of your time and energy to choose achievable goals and make effective plans for accomplishing them more efficiently!
12. VALUES (valuing) = You can quickly learn how your values determine what goals you decide to achieve, and, therefore, you will know how your values ultimately control your behavior or lifestyle choices!
You can use all the techniques and methods known to well educated people to improve your brainpower mindset knowledge. This concept refers to the rational conscious use of both your basic thinking skills and your unique memory skills. You can use both your thinking and memory skills to change your behavior and adapt to opportunities and possibilities in your social class or to plan to improve your social standing by increasing your income level commensurate with your new thinking ability. Your mindful "self-awareness" can provide a richer meaning for your life as you become a willing partner in the appreciation and protection of the natural biodiversity of the world.
Today you can understand that you exist in a vast population of 6 one-half billion people in a complex exploding universe as you seek to survive and thrive in a rapidly changing global economic world with an uncertain but predictable future as you seek to create a competitive advantage for yourself and your family.
There are scientific ideas and arguments, which are universal principles of life that explain how the universe, our planet, nature, and the diverse social cultures and sub-cultures and individual people all operate. This scientific Brainpower Mindset of knowledge, values, and assumptions, which explains the true underlying scientific principles of all things, is the same for all people no matter what languages they speak, as long as they use words that convey rational ethical humanistic meanings.
Humans are a lot like frogs in being "AMPHIBIAN" concerning our personal and social needs, and even our thoughts and feelings. Being amphibian, most frogs can survive and perpetuate themselves in two completely different kinds of environments, usually being born in water and later learning to live on dry land. Just like frogs, one part of us is dependent on social relationships and one part of us is independent of those social relationships!
Frogs can thrive and be happy in the water or on land, even though some of the hundreds of species have evolved to the point that they require very specific geographic conditions in order to thrive. For example, the African Frog, which lives its entire life in warm water, dashes to the water's surface only to gulp oxygen. However, most of the hundreds of frog species that have survived since the age of the dinosaurs, 65 million years ago, have thrived because of their dual-nature of being "amphibian." They have the flexibility to live in moist environments and change from one shape (pollywog) to another (frog).
The dual-nature of frogs has been a survival trait that has helped them adjust better to the many climate changes and other environmental conditions over many millions of years. Their amphibian nature can remind us of our need to balance our dependency on culture and our need to be independent of cultural habits. The fact that we have an amphibian nature, namely, that we are both a "social animal" as well as a "unique individual," ultimately determines the sum total of the happiness and satisfaction that we can experience during our lifetimes.
Therefore, a major assumption of the Brainpower Theory of True Happiness is that the exploration of the concepts of authentic happiness and lasting satisfaction must also include an analysis of the "social context" of our lives as well as the "personal context" of our brainpower potential. It is our sole responsibility to develop our own unique comprehension of our independent power to break out of instinctual and habitual thinking and feeling patterns of behavior that we learned in childhood and adolescence from our parents and teachers and other social institutions.
Just like frogs, you can learn to master the skills of being happy and thriving as both an intellectual and emotional "amphibian" with two essential co-existing parts in your life. You must understand and energize your SELF and learn to depend upon your own personal consciously chosen thoughts and feelings. You can learn to do it with two completely different kinds of skill-sets that correspond to those radically different primary aspects of yourself, namely, your personal and your social parts.
This is another major Fact of Life because humans as a species must seek a competitive advantage against all other life forms of life on earth and cope with the very serious social/cultural environmental challenges in a complex and often dangerous world.
Humans, in spite of their amazing brains and awesome brainpower, are extremely fragile as individuals in the massive 6 1/2 billion global human population. If we are going to survive and thrive as a species with our proportionally larger brains, we must all optimize our individual scientific brainpower mindsets or risk oblivion and the possibility that we can be erased from history and possibly replaced by such a small-brained species as insects who have evolved efficient survival instincts and the ability to cooperate.
In short, together or alone, we all face serious challenges. But we can all motivate each other to learn new factual knowledge from brain scientists, and other scientists studying human behavior, about the true potential of our "amphibian nature" in order to live in the complex social web at the same time that we exercise our independence and freedom to choose our own unique lifestyles. If you keep yourself ignorant of the genuine source of your own "self-awareness" and your awesome potential for changing your SELF and your cultural environment, mistaken ideas can cause you to develop self-destructive behaviors that can hurt you instead of help you.
Just as your own personal knowledge of the anatomy of your own amazing adaptive brain and its intricate complex functions determines how happy and satisfied you can be, a full systematic understanding of your complex support system called your "culture" can add or subtract from your complete "self-control," depending on the amount of knowledge you acquire during your lifetime.
A fundamental assumption that can be learned from the information on this website is that your brain's "left" and "right" hemispheres are the true sources of your "self-awareness" of being alive. The quality of your self-awareness depends upon your ability to use both the left and right halves of your brain effectively. The left provides your analytical logic and the right provides your holistic feelings. When you learn the skills necessary to coordinate both sides of your brain, you will be "mindfully" self-aware.
The solution to the great philosophical “mind-body problem” in human history has been solved by modern high-tech science. Since you can't have a "mind" without a brain and you can't have a "brain" without a body, there is no distinction to be made any more. You can't have a brain-powered mind without having a living body!
First and foremost, no "faith-based" supernatural beliefs or explanations are needed to explain how your amazing brain works in order for you to use the scientific Brainpower Mindset. You can start experiencing a wonderfully fulfilling and awesomely happy life, which can improve every time you think about your SELF and your mind in this new scientific context. The new scientific answers to the great philosophical questions of life provide exciting explanations of the cause of your ability to understand your SELF and your mind.
Unfortunately, the universal scientific principles, which accurately describe how your brain and the whole world really works, are frequently misunderstood by the vast majority of people in the many cultural groupings around the world. Most countries and cultures still do not have adequate scientific histories and the sophisticated symbols to convey the kind of meaning that North American and European people experience in their cultures and sub-cultures.
Since birth, and even before, language shapes the main structure of your brain's neuronal connections through your early physical and social growth and development as a person. Your language and its grammatical structure is your most important cultural influence since it forms the framework or your consciousness and awareness of reality. The diverse non-scientific language backgrounds of billions of people on earth cause them serious problems concerning the use of their brainpower.
The problem is that the scientific Brainpower Mindset of knowledge, values, and assumptions must be translated into ordinary household words in order for more people to live happier lives in the global consumerism culture since the great majority of people in all cultures are not oriented to modern scientific knowledge. Since language is our primary humanizing cultural attribute, it must be used to explain why understanding current scientific assumptions and values is essential for continued human progress and prosperity.
The scientific "Brainpower Mindset can give you the positive "Self-Esteem" and assertive power to conquer your fears and doubts and disappointments. It can enable you to seek and find the true happiness that is the result of applying the Self-Liberation Philosophy to solve your problems. You can experience immense benefits once you learn how your amazing brain actually works. If you don't learn about the new scientific Brainpower Mindset, you won't have a solid basis for defending your values and justifying your life in an ethical rational humanistic way in our rapidly changing global economic world.